Now let's proceed to Session 9 where we will address the question of problem solving regarding our effort to lose weight. The keys to problem solving are in the steps that we already know. Don't worry, we will review them in detail.
There are five steps to problem solving. Here they are:
- 1. Describe the problem in detail.
- 2. Brainstorm the different options.
- 3. Try to follow one of the options.
- 4. Work out a positive action strategy.
- 5. Try the positive action strategy and see if it works.
Now let's take the steps one at a time and work on a specific problem. Okay, I'm embarrassed but let's do my problem as an example. The problem I have regarding losing weight is I just can't stay away from buffets. There's just something there that lures me. That's the problem in detail.
Let's brainstorm some possible solutions. I could just use my strong will not to go to buffets. I could stay away from friends who tempt me to go there. Or I could go but head to the salad section and stay away from fatty foods. And last but not least, I could prepare a favorite food at home that will really want me to stay home.
I will try to follow the first option and that is use my will to stay away from buffets. What strong will? That's exactly my problem. When I think of buffets, my strong will just goes out the window. So, sorry that's not going to work for me.
My friends? No way am I going to give them up. I love them much too much to stay away from them. Besides we need each other to go through life. There you go; perhaps they're going to help me if I tell them my problem regarding buffets. We've always been there for each other since kindergarten. Okay, okay I'll talk to them.
What do you know, this option worked! Apparently, they've been worried about the same thing. So we met each other halfway. Instead of going to buffets once a week, we will just go there once a month. Problem solved! Let's see if it will translate into lost weight. Meantime, going over this may help too: Diabetes Diet.
We'll see you in a week's time. Meantime, please keep track of the weight, activity minutes of 150 a week, food especially fat gram intake. Try to keep tipping the calorie balance and I promise I will not visit any buffet places this week.