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Saturday, September 29, 2007

Are You Ready to Change Your Lifestyle?



September 29, 2007

Are you ready to lose weight? Are you ready to exercise? Are you ready to change your lifestyle? It is easy to say one wants to lose weight. People can even enumerate the reasons behind the desire to lose weight. But the more important question is, are you really ready to do what it takes to lose weight?

Researchers have recognized the five changes that people have to go through in order to change the lifestyle. They say that these are the considerations-before stage, the actual consideration-stage, the laying the groundwork stage, action, and maintenance. These are the steps one has to go through when embarking on the journey to change one's lifestyle.

During the pre-consideration stage, the person may not be ready to make the adjustment for at least six months. They may think that the weight does not really pose a big problem or they may have too many things on their plate and so have no more room for another priority.

In the second stage of the actual consideration, people may be thinking of making the change soon. They may not have a good knowledge of the problem but at least they are weighing the advantages and disadvantages of the planned lifestyle change.

At this second stage, they're waiting for further motivation but they don't think there is an urgent need to start. There's still hope for a cure-all pill is what they're thinking. They say aloud that they'll change someday. And they'll ask about the exercise plan or the diet plan that might help with the lifestyle change.

In the third step of preparation, they're now thinking of starting within a month. They're not sure how to get started but may have made some effort. They're motivated to change but after trying a bit, they slip back. They're now saying they're ready and want to change and are asking how to get started.

In the fourth step of action, they have made changes during the past six months. They believe it's possible to change the lifestyle and are making the effort to change. They have modified their ways and heading for success but need support. They now say they can do it or it's getting easier and think they're doing well.

Now on the last stage of maintenance is where they have shown documented changes for six months. They're now confident they can do it and the change has become part of their daily schedule. They're trying not to get back to the old ways and have to cope with unexpected situations like parties, eating out and going on vacations.

Which stage are you in? Find out where you are and get a buddy. The friend will spur you on to take a walk every day and it will be more fun to talk while taking a stroll. You can exchange meal plans while you do so and motivate each other besides. Pretty soon you will look forward to this part of your day.

There will be slip backs but get up and get started again. It will be easier this time because you are now a veteran at this for haven't you gone through all the stages? Just think of the goal of feeling and looking better but most of all what I like the best for you is to avoid the complications of diabetes.

If you want more information on diabetes, please visit this site:

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