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Sunday, December 2, 2007

Session 5 on Moving Those Muscles

Are you keeping track of your weight and recording it? How are you making out? Don't despair if you're not succeeding yet. As long as we keep on to persevere, we will be okay. How about your food and drink consumption? Have you been diligent in recording them? Good, so let’s proceed to Session 5.

Increasing one’s physical activity, that’s what’s important. Start your program of physical activity. Build it up to 150 minutes, but don’t do it all at once. Do it gradually for the next four weeks. Select activities that you enjoy but is of reasonable force like that of walking briskly.

Think of what physical activities that you engaged in in the past. What did you like? What did you enjoy? Which ones worked for you? Which ones did you have to give up? Stick to the ones you liked and get rid of the ones you did not like.

Remember that being active has its benefits. Not only will it help you lose weight and lower the blood glucose level, but also physical activity makes you feel better, look better and healthier. Physical activity also lowers the risk for heart disease.

Lower risk for heart disease? How does physical activity do it? Well, physical activity lowers the blood pressure, triglycerides and cholesterol. With lower cholesterol, blood pressure and triglycerides, so does the risk for heart attack and stroke go down.

For the homework, be active for sixty minutes next week. Do it over three or four days. For instance, walk briskly for twenty minutes on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Or plan to do activities that you like and do that for ten minutes a day with a friend or family member. And don’t forget to record your food and drink intake, physical activity, weight and fat grams.
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