Many factors affect our eating habits. There are many reasons why we eat. Hunger is not the only motive for eating. Just the smell of something frying in the kitchen makes our mouth water. And it is enough to trigger an eating frenzy.
It is therefore vital that we recognize what makes us eat. What are the signals in our environment that spur us to eat? It is only after we have recognized both the physical and emotional environment cues will we be able to manage to the point of success.
Let us first take a look at our environment. Let us look around and what do we see? Food here, there, and everywhere. It is readily available, isn't it? No wonder we eat so much. To top it all, we were brought up not to waste food. We have to eat everything in our plate, no matter how uncomfortably full we are.
To be successful, we have to look around at home, in the office, everywhere. Find out when and how much food we have at these places including our car. When are all these foods available to us? Who buys them? Who makes them available?
After we have surveyed our environment, it is time for some clean-up if we are really committed to lose weight. What kinds of food do we buy? Are they healthy foods? What can we do to clean up this environment so we can succeed in our effort to lose weight?
Let us remove all foods that are not healthy for us. Cook only enough portions. Whatever extras we have, put them away for another meal. This will not be easy at first but once you get going, you'll feel better and healthier too.
Just think of what happened to our eating habits in our communities. It used to be that a serving of juice is just four ounces and a serving of cereal is just a cup. Now the juice has become eight to twelve ounces and our bowl of cereals has at least two cups. And we wonder why we gain weight.
Have you been to the movies lately? Have you seen the choices of popcorn and drinks we have? Of course we buy the large option because the refills are free. And let's not talk about soft drinks. From the 1955 choice of 7 oz, now the top choice is 42 oz. And we have to get this because it's a bargain, right? Wrong!
So you see, we really have to work hard to turn the tide around. Sure, we've come a long way and have gotten good deals, super-sized wise. But how about our body? We do not want to super-size that as well. Hopefully, this will set the stage to our changing our environment to ensure success.
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