Diabetes and Fatigue
Here’s the issue on Diabetes and Fatigue. Fatigue is a part of living with diabetes. With a lot of things to do and track, it is no wonder it becomes part of everyday living. Thank goodness we have resources to help us deal with this and cope with it. There are a lot of testimonials to prove that many have gotten over this hurdle and that’s what we aim to do with this issue. But don’t read all at once. Read it by pieces and keep it as resource when you need it.
What You’ll Learn:
• Let’s Fight Diabetes Fatigue!
• Fatigue in Type 2 Diabetics
• How to Fight Fatigue Naturally
• How to Fight Fatigue From Morning Till Night
• Breaking News That Matter to Diabetics
Let’s Fight Diabetes Fatigue!
How do we get over this conundrum? Some use energy drinks but most of these contain caffeine which can give us a boost of energy. The trouble is it will only be temporary relief for it can lead to a crash. So it is safe to say that those drinks only treat the symptoms of being tired instead of dealing with the root cause of fatigue in the first place.
This leaves us no choice but to delve deeper into the root cause of this fatigue although we already have an idea on what causes it. Despite knowing what causes it, it is still a good idea to keep an open mind. You never know what the scientists are uncovering from day to day. For instance some believe it is a direct result of insulin resistance due to lack of fuel in the body cells.
Still others say fatigue is caused by inflammation, lack of adequate sleep, stress and infection. Other causes that have been going around are side effects of drugs, weakness of the muscles, liver, adrenal or kidney problems, dysfunction of the thyroid and high levels of blood calcium. It may even be due to dehydration caused by increased urination because the body is unable to function properly when the cells are sugar-deprived. Yikes! That’s so many of them. How can anyone expect us to go through all that?
Don’t fret for we will scale down those causes into some more manageable parts. Meantime, think of how often you feel so tired. Is it occasionally or regularly? Have you tried reducing that feeling? Were you able to deal with it? Do you think it’s better to factor in the root causes instead of just trying anything that gives you a temporary solution? Just leave a comment below.
How Do You Define Fatigue?
Most everyone could feel tired every once in a while. And this is normal when it is temporary and you can easily find a solution. But when fatigue is chronic and long-lasting, the feeling of being tired is always there. It feels like you have lost both your energy and your mind and you’d rather go to sleep because you do not want to do anything at all.
What are the Causes of Fatigue?
Medical Problems
Fatigue is sometimes due to medical problems that need treatment. We have to rule them out so we can get to the business of dealing with the fatigue. For what is good working to deal with fatigue when there is an underlying medical problem? Here are some of the medical conditions that could cause insistent fatigue:
Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes
Adrenal Fatigue is the most common and has been often misdiagnosed. Known as the glands of stress, their job is to help our body deal with stress.
Sleep apnea (a brief cessation of air flow) and obesity
Medications for heart, blood pressure, pain and some antidepressants
Anemia may also cause unexplained fatigue so should be ruled out too. It could be from being a vegetarian or a marathon runner that could drain one of vitalizing iron making one anemic. Treating one with iron supplements under doctor’s supervision can take the edge off fatigue but don’t take this supplement on your own.
Overactive (hyperthyroidism) and underactive (hypothyroidism) can make one feel like there is no energy to exercise. Often times this is overlooked as the cause of fatigue. Get tested for hypothyroidism and anemia. They are a frequent and common cause of fatigue and can be treated.
Liver damage may have begun once you are feeling constantly tired so said the director of hepatology, Michael W. Fried, MD of University of North Carolina. This may be the result of some unsafe behavior in the past.
Heart disease is often overlooked as cause of fatigue when one study of 515 women who were survivors of heart attack reported that 70% said they had unusual fatigue in the weeks before the attack. Fatigue was also reported as a symptom for females whose arteries were seriously clogged. And the heart scans did not notice this.
Emphysema and COPD
Cancer and chronic kidney disease
Chronic fatigue syndrome one characteristic of which is extreme fatigue
Now what? What can we do to mitigate the effects of medical problems on the fatigue? Here are some suggestions:
When the fatigue is due to feeling depressed, know what you can do about it. Fatigue is known to be related to depression. It can certainly be a symptom of depression but sometimes a person feels depressed because of not being able to sleep. The person who feels depressed should consult a doctor who will be able to suggest one of the several treatments available like cognitive behavior therapy or counseling.
Some medications are known to make some people tired and drowsy. Some medications that cause fatigue are diuretics, blood pressure medications and antihistamines. A person who suspects his fatigue is caused by the medications, should talk to his doctor to see if he can prescribe a medication that does not cause fatigue and drowsiness.
Now fatigue can be a sign that there is something deeper. You see, fatigue could be a symptom of thyroid disease, arthritis, diabetes, heart disease and sleep apnea. In that case, here are some tips that can be done to help take the edge off the cause:
1. Consult with the doctor right away especially if there are other symptoms that accompany fatigue.
2. It is better to rule out any other underlying issues so they can be dealt with as soon as possible.
3. Exercise might help fight the fatigue. I know it has done well for me.
4. Drink adequate enough water as it is a good catalyst for making the body do its functions.
5. Rest helps the muscles grow so there should be balance between exercise and rest. 6. Follow a routine for good health and stick to it.
7. Find out from an exercise expert how to exercise to avoid any accidents and injury.
8. Don’t drink too much coffee to fight fatigue.
9. Don’t medicate yourself.
10. Avoid situations and jobs that stress you out.
11. Sleep is an aid to the metabolism process and permits the body to repair its tissues.
12. I don’t like the tip on controlling one’s appetite with suppressors; I’d rather just use my will and determination not to overeat.
13. Do not go fasting to lose weight although researchers are now trying to get FDA to approve intermittent fasting as it has shown to decrease the risk factors for diabetes, cardiovascular disease, aging and cancer. . It is also known to improve immune and brain functions including learning and memory.
14. Being indecisive will zap your energy. Is it pasta or chicken tonight? Just figuring out which one to have could drain one of energy so just do one and the other tomorrow. Trust your instincts.
15. Wear warm colors when you’re feeling down. When it’s raining, wear yellow to remind you of the sun.
Lifestyle Factors
Sometimes fatigue is caused by environmental, emotional factors or due to our habits and the way we live our life. We can then say the cause of the fatigue is lifestyle factors. If this is the cause then we can do something about it that may bring relief. Here are the lifestyle factors that may be causing the feeling of tiredness all the time:
Believe it or not, even the quality of the air in your home can lead or make some conditions worse and among them is fatigue. Some unexplained fatigue could be due to mold toxins. Poor ventilation plus water leak will cause mold to form.
Medications like cough medicines, antihistamines and cold remedies could cause fatigue.
Lack of physical activity
Too much physical activity
Not eating healthy meals
Using too much caffeine
Drinking too much alcohol
Vitamin B12 deficiency
Psychological Issues
Mental health problems could also cause fatigue and they are the psychological conditions that may make one feel unceasingly tired. This is where we can do something about although for the most serious ones, we may need expert help. Here are the psychological conditions that can make one so tired it seems impossible to do anything else:
Now That We Know the Causes, What’s Next?
Call the Doctor Real Quick.
If after two or more weeks, you are still feeling the same, schedule an appointment to see the doctor. You have to get immediate help especially when with your fatigue, you have serious headache and you are throwing up blood. You are also feeling terrible back and abdominal pain and are having rectum bleeding.
Seek Emergency Medical Service or Call 911.
Do this right away when you feel:
The fatigue is due to mental health problem.
Committing suicide and harming yourself
Harming other people
You might pass out
Having shortness of breath and chest pains
Having fast and irregular heart beats.
Congratulations you have just taken the first step to getting relief from your fatigue. For really, it all starts from taking this first step of taking an inventory on what could be contributing to that unrelenting feeling of tiredness.
How To Cope With Stress
It is a good thing you can do something to correct any fatigue problem due to lifestyle factors. Anxiety disorder is sometimes a funny thing. It makes some people weak and helpless yet it makes others invincible and resilient. So what do these people do to heal their brain from being anxious? So the question is how should the rest of us manage the stress that we experience from day to day?
Stress and anxiety can be so devastating that it can destroy the neurons in the brain. These can even be seen on brain scans. And I am telling you, this persistent anxiety is linked to poor memory and decisions. So we really have to do something about this because we cannot really stop some disturbance and strain in our life. From dealing with PTSD, we learned ways to outsmart stress:
1. Here’s a technique that works. Meditate for 5 to 10 minutes each time as many times as you need to. Just sit tall and pay attention to your breathing and the feel of the air on your nose. The mind will wander and when it does, just acknowledge the distraction and return to your original focus.
2. Get up and exercise as this not only eases the feeling of stress but also fortifies the cells of the brain making it more resilient to future anxiety. Biking or walking outside the house gives a mental enhancement as shown in the study in England conducted by the University of Essex.
3. A pet can do wonders in cultivating calm. Especially trained dogs can sense the coming of a panic attack and can give one a bump to start deep breathing. You can borrow a dog from a friend or neighbor to take it for a walk which can reduce the feelings of anxiety with this additional playtime activity.
4. Remember the anxious moments you felt in the past like being late for work when the boss told you never to be late again but with traffic it is happening again? Then visualize a way to reduce the tense feeling by saying you could listen to your favorite music or listen to a book on a disc.
5. Having too much activity can make you sleep-deprived which will deplete your body resource which can make you feel so tired you don’t want to do anything. Please make it a habit to sleep six to eight hours every night. Follow some rules like, sleeping in complete darkness, avoiding snacks of sugar and grains just before bedtime and powering down the TV computers, internet and other gadgets.
In fact, some are even asking if they are allergic to wireless internet and why not? There is such a condition called EHS or Electronic Hypersensitivity Syndrome. People who suffer from this feel fatigue, pain, headache, aches, and itchy skin. Some think it may be due to stress and psychiatric condition making it difficult to diagnose it but it is real, so real that Sweden, Australia, and UK are doing something about it.
Some think WIFI is worse than other radiation. Really we are surrounded by radio waves that carry information for cell towers, cell phones and wireless connections. But we have to do our best to protect us from all these by eating healthy, moving more, detoxing, getting enough sunlight and sleeping well.
A goodnight sleep will rebalance your anxious days. Before setting the alarm, check on the status of your stress and get enough sleep to make the necessary adjustments as sleep stops the stress hormones from their damaging work and release the ones that calm one down. This is what the Yale University study found.
In fact interrupted sleep (four lengthened waking up) on any given night may just be as bad as not sleeping at all making one feel tired, depressed and confused. The first thing to do is to find out why you are getting interrupted sleep. Some reasons may be alcohol at night, pain, a heavy meal or spicy foods close to bedtime, pets in bed and of course using computers, TV , iPads, etc. Read this if you want an uninterrupted sleep.
6. How can we improve the air quality in our home? It is simple; just get rid of household goods you use to clean your home and cosmetics. Instead opt for products that are natural and nontoxic. So check out all your cleaning products, deodorants, shampoos and soaps, even gardening supplies and exchange them for ones that are not chemical-based.
If the problem is mold toxins and you can see where the problem is, then the solution is easy. Take action right away and remove any cause of the water leak as well as the mold with the help of hot water and detergent. This is effective and should stop the growth of mold.
7. Regarding not eating healthy meals, you can stop skipping meals for hunger makes the blood sugar drop which in turn can cause anxiety and fatigue. Have a good breakfast with vegetable juicing . and then have a healthy snack every two to four hours. Eating more raw uncooked foods will also help make you feel more energetic.
8. Do you feel you don’t have energy? Then you may be deficient in vitamin B12. Check out these symptoms and see if you have any of them: weakness in the muscle, lack of energy and tiredness, changes in mood, problems with memory, tingling in the extremities, and lack of interest and motivation.
Known as the energy vitamin, vitamin B12 is required for a variety of very important functions, among them is energy production. As many as 25% of Americans are deficient in this vitamin. There are two ways you can become deficient in vitamin B12. It is either you don’t get it from your diet or you cannot absorb this important nutrient from the food you consume.
Since one sign of vitamin B12 deficiency is fatigue and weakness, it is best to get this ruled out as the cause of the unrelenting fatigue you may be feeling. There are health risks linked to this deficiency including heart disease, Alzheimer’s disease and psychiatric and other neurological disorders. The solution for the vegans is to eat Nori seaweed or take vitamin B12 supplement.
If the cause of feeling tired is vitamin D deficiency, exposure to sunshine is the best way to obtain the appropriate vitamin D levels. If you do not have enough exposure to the sun, the next best thing is supplementation. Even the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported that 32% of the US population were deficient in vitamin D. Don’t be caught short on this as this vitamin could help prevent some chronic diseases.
9. Make use of psychological acupressure techniques lessen the stress. EFT or emotional freedom technique is an easy one to employ to put an end to emotional problem with no fear of side effects. Get this free EFT Manual with an overview and clear directions as to how to use this helpful tool.
Here are three that may not work. In fact some found them to do more harm than good.
Eating sweets to relieve anxiety will not work. Some people even regard them as a time bomb waiting to happen. So don’t indulge in too much sweets. A little bit once in a while as a treat is fine but not to gobble them up when feeling anxious.
Taking bubble baths to soothe the body may do harm as well if perfumed products are used. The U.S. Department of Health and Services says it could lead to yeast infection. Use essential oils like eucalyptus and lavender instead.
Going over and over again the personal problems to everyone who will listen to you has been found to be linked to anxiety and depression in children.
Interested in what foods can calm the nervous tension? Well whole grains for one, are not only good for your heart but they also help calm your mind. That’s because whole grain pasta, and other complex carbs like3 whole grain bread and brown rice increase the production of serotonin in the brain, a chemical that gets rid of anxiety. So eat a baked sweet potato or a whole grain cracker next time you’re feeling anxious.
Eating berries will do the same because they are rich in vitamin C that helps regulate the cortisol levels. When elevated, this stress hormone stimulates the stress response making one nervous. The trio of fruits I call OBA short for oranges, bananas and apples also do wonderful things for the body. Why not? They, like the berries, have vitamin C content.
It is the same with adding omega-3 fatty acids to your diet when you are stressed. University of Ohio found that they reduce anxiety and inflammation. So eat herring, salmon, mackerel, sardines, trout and halibut. I try to get them wild caught. If this is not your cup of tea eat pumpkin seeds and walnuts. Your health will soar like mine.
The same is true with hot chocolate that can help reduce not only the stress hormone cortisol but also the epinephrine and norepinephrine that make one feel anxious and nervous. The dark chocolate also starts the brain to produce opioids which can make you feel better. That is why they are called pleasure chemicals. But I am not so keen with dark chocolate because they’re bitter, sorry.
I think I’ll just have herbal tea to settle my mind. Remember that rabbit in a children’s book who wanted chamomile tea? Well, the National Centre for Complementary and Alternative Medicine agrees that it has been used for hundreds of years to treat anxiety, insomnia and stomach upset. For me? It calms me down when I worry that I cannot finish this report on time.
One last thing for foods that can calm your mind. It is good old milk and other dairy products like yogurt and cheese. Why? Because they contain vitamin B called riboflavin that calm your nerves. The Journal of Nutrition said inadequate riboflavin can change the way the body processes proteins which causes a stress response.
Fatigue in Type 2 Diabetics
They did find though that fatigue in type 2 diabetes may be linked to higher BMI or body mass index, not enough physical activity, depression, sleep disturbances and presence of co-morbid conditions. There was not enough literature on the link with inflammation especially when anti-inflammatory treatments may improve fatigue felt by type 2 diabetics.
Fatigue and Drugs
So what they did was focus on the pharmacological therapy which I am not keen on although I am keeping an open mind. How? If I decide to go this route, I will monitor myself and check out if the therapy is making me worse than targeting to reduce the pain, depression and fatigue that it is supposed to do.
There are antirheumatic drugs like etanercept that have been shown to reduce fatigue thus making patients with arthritis and psoriasis get better when it comes to their psychological and physical functioning. But there are not enough data when it comes to type 2 diabetics. But they did report on a study of a drug in 30 type 2 diabetics. What did they find?
They found the drug lowered the fatigue depending on the dose. So they said there is promise in this although there is a need for further studies especially on the possible side effects that may put the patients at higher risk for infection. Besides it is not known what the long term effects are. So be careful with this and don’t do anything without consulting your doctor.
Fatigue and Obesity
Fatigue was clearly associated with obesity and increase in BMI not only in those who have diabetes but also in the general population.
Since fatigue is linked to obesity and increased BMI, it follows that changing the diet and reducing weight will reduce the fatigue the type 2 diabetics are experiencing. The findings show that losing weight, more intake of omega 3 fatty acids, proteins based on vegetables and fibre help reduce inflammation and other sickness behaviour like fatigue.
There is evidence that shows weight loss reduces fatigue. Researchers investigated 2163 type 2 diabetics who were obese. There was significant improvement in feelings of energy as well as in functional capacity after the weight loss was introduced. The data gathered to support this was longitudinal or ones that span quite a long time.
Fatigue and Sleep
Sleep that is disturbed is also linked to both obesity and poor glucose control. Although the nature of the link has to be explained further in more research, preventing disturbed sleep is the way to approach to improve the glycemic control and along with it the fatigue that the type 2 diabetics feel.
This is especially true since those with OSA (Obstructive Sleep Apnea) predicted higher level of being depressed in type 2 diabetics and thus higher levels of fatigue. This higher level of fatigue is also associated with lower levels of physical activity. So an exercise intervention may be effective in decreasing fatigue. Here are some natural remedies that may help you sleep.
Sleep for half an hour more or better still for more than an hour and see how you feel with that extra hour of sleep. You will get more help on how to sleep better and have more energy from the book of Woodson Merrell, MD “The Source where he explained how to obtain quality sleep. He believes that we have lost our link with the inner energy which is our source of healing and glowing vigor.
Below you will find a link to his book “The Source” Do not let that one cent price fool you because it is the most thorough, reliable and advanced health guide on how to power up your vigor and life. His more than two decades of medical practice has given him insight on the core concepts of both Eastern and Western medical know-how. As a result, he has changed thousands of people to feel better.
He will give you the six-step of 21-day plan with all the tools you need like relaxation practices, a sustainable exercise plan, nourishing organic menus and recipes and a way to detoxify your body. You will get hold of the essential force of energy and experience unbelievable changes in body, mind and spirit. This will put you on your way to high-energy living.
Restorative sleep is key to good health and a great source of energy. The other end of the spectrum, inadequate sleep, is now linked to diabetes, heart troubles and obesity and other diseases. So get your sleep optimum health. We owe it to ourselves to give time for cellular revival.
There are some ways to improve yourself and I don’t mean drugs. You have to have good beddings, for example, pillow that is medium firm. Get a nonallergenic foam pillow because allergies to pillows can keep one awake with impaired breathing and give it a dryer treatment to kill the dust mites and then change them every two years.
Researchers have found out that that the blue light emitted by televisions, computers and other electronic gadgets can disturb the circadian rhythm so keep your bedroom dark. They have also found that showing people who are sleep-deprived a special full spectrum lights for 30 minutes early in the AM will help them go to sleep earlier and stay asleep through the night.
There are other ways to help anyone to sleep better. There is acupuncture that researchers say can help balance neurotransmitters, raising endorphins which is the feel good hormone. It makes sense that anything that will promote relaxation will make one sleep better. Chinese medicine has used this to treat sleep problems.
Then there is behavioural therapy used by therapists to modify some behaviour of those who are preoccupied about not being able to sleep well. Clients are asked to go to bed when sleepy, get up after 20 minutes when unable to sleep but to not solve problem, eat or watch TV. Then try to get up at the same time each day and not to expect too much and make a mountain out of it.
Lifestyle changes in exercise, diet and stress management work if done right will work but if you need more help there are natural things you can do but make sure you consult your doctor first before trying out anything so we can be sure that any thing you’re contemplating on doing is right for you. Here are some of those things:
1. Valerian is the closest to a sleeping pill that is herbal and has sedative powers that can make one sleepy. Therefore, it should not be taken before driving or any other activities that require focus and concentration. Once your doctor has given you the okay, let me know and I will send you the dosage you can take 1 or 2 hours before you go to bed.
2. Melatonin is the hormone that controls the sleep cycle. Studies have shown that taking it as a supplement can aid in changing the body clock. This why this has been used to ease jet lag. Although it can help return the sleep cycle to normal, it is not a sleeping pill.
3. L-Theanine is not directly linked to sleep, it helps in decreasing constant worry and anxiety. With the reduction of pressure and stress, sleepiness may result.
Here are some rules summarized to help you fall asleep:
Get into the habit of exercising regularly as it helps lower the anxiety that prevents you from getting your sleep.
Be regular with your sleeping habits of 7 to 8 hours each night. This means going to bed at the same time every night and waking at the same hour each morning.
Stop drinking caffeine as it disrupts sleep.
Say no to a night cap because alcohol disrupts sleep when the body goes from sleep stage into the next which may wake you and then have problem getting back to sleep.
Quit smoking as nicotine, just like caffeine, is a stimulant that can disrupt sleep.
Turn off the television for although it will make you drowsy, it actually just delays the worry time later.
Schedule your worry time and get your to-do list down earlier than bedtime.
Ask for help if you still have trouble sleeping. Talk to your doctor or find an accredited sleep disorder clinic. You can find one by visiting http://www.aasmnet.org/ or calling 708-492-0930.
Fatigue and Exercise
Those who were sedentary and suffering from fatigue, the origin of which is not known, reduced their feelings of tiredness after six weeks of exercise of low intensity. The same thing happened to cancer patients where their feeling of tiredness decreased from aerobic exercises. Both the American Diabetes Association and the American College of Sports Medicine recommended the type 2 diabetics to incorporate both aerobic and conditioning exercises.
Research has shown that a measly few minutes of high intensity exercise can offer a lot of benefits that one gets from hours of ordinary exercise together with better insulin sensitivity. A brief (we’re talking about four minutes) type of this exercise has been shown to make an instant change in the DNA. So what are we waiting for? Oh yeah, you have to consult your doctor just in case your medical condition is not up to this type of exercise.
Dr. Mosley reported he was able to make his insulin sensitivity better by 24% just doing this type of exercise 12 minutes per week for four weeks. He just simply went on a stationary bike after a warm-up and gave it his all, cycling for 20 seconds, rested for two minutes and did the same thing again for another 20 seconds.
Internist Marianne Legato, MD says, “Exercise gets your heart pumping more blood to the muscles. It is one of the best antidotes to fatigue.” Pamela Peeke, MD, metabolism and nutrition expert agrees. She said, “There’s nothing on the planet better than getting up and moving.” So go ahead and jump in place or better still jump rope for two or more minutes.
Fatigue and Diet
Healthy diet intervention succeeded in reduced inflammation and obesity but only few researchers measured the effect on fatigue. There was a recent study however that found the low glycemic diet may have improved both the reduction of inflammation in type 2 diabetics and glycemic control.
King reported when the data from a study was analyzed that those who had diabetes, hypertension and are obese but on a high dietary fibre diet (greater than 20g per day) had CRP that was significantly lower than those who had lower fibre intake. Now we have been told that CRP (C-reactive protein) is linked with high fatigue.
Esposito conducted a study of 120 healthy but obese women half of whom were given exercise and a Mediterranean style diet that was reduced in calories while the other half or the control group received only information on healthy lifestyle. The first group had less saturated fat, lower calories more complex carbohydrates and high fibre compared to the control group.
What happened to these two groups after two years? Well, the first group or the intervention group significantly lost more weight and demonstrated lower insulin resistance compared to the other group or the control group. The intervention group also had decreased serum pro-inflammatory cytokine levels.
Still another study measured the CRP on adults over 60 years old whose diet was rich in omega 3 fatty acids for eight weeks and found the CRP decreased. The same thing happened to adults who had nephropathy and type 2 diabetes who changed their meat protein consumption with soy protein by 50%. The authors reported a link between red meat intake and increased risk for inflammation and metabolic syndrome.
You may need to complement your diet if you feel you are not getting enough from your meal plan. Consult a homeophatic practitioner or a nutritionist for what supplements may best enhance your diet but talk to your doctor all what you are considering.
Summary on Fatigue
The cause of fatigue in type 2 diabetes are many but inflammation that is low-grade may be key. This can be improved by both exercise and dietary interventions. Drugs may reduce inflammation and along with it the fatigue but this requires more research work. Weight loss, physical activity and improvement for treatment for depression and sleep disorders may reduce fatigue of type 2 diabetics.
To summarize what we all have to do to fight fatigue, we put all the areas where we have to do some change, in order to get rid of feeling tired all the time.
1. We have to manage our stress. As soon as you wake up, sit straight by the edge of the bed with the chest out and the muscles relaxed and take 5 slow deep abdominal breathes through the nose holding each for 2 seconds and breathe out through the nose holding it for 4 seconds. Do the same every hour of the day and you’ll feel relaxed. Keep a record of what stress you out and determine which you can change or control.
2. Start exercising in the morning even for a few minutes like the yoga’s sun salutation, running in place or jumping on a trampoline. When sitting at the desk, get up once in a while and hop around to get the blood moving. Walking just 30 minutes a day, three times a week can help generate energy. Congratulations, you are now an energy creator.
3. Make some changes with food consumption by eating real food instead of sugary and refined carbs. Have complex carbs and lean protein for breakfast. I have Dr. Merrell’s Shake that keeps his energy for 4-5 hours. Eat smaller meals every 4 hours and avoid coffee. Try green tea instead.
4. Get 8 hours of sleep every night. We all need this to restock our energy and to fully heal the body. We need the sleep to repair the DNA and revive the cell energy. Our ancestors slept for over 10 hours. Now the average is only around 7 hours. And a lot of people get by with less than that. No wonder we are so tired!
5. Get connected with people and I don’t mean just Facebook and Twitter. Be kind to others and help strangers and friends alike to make their lives happier. You will feel energized by this. Keep a list of things that make you laugh and nurture them. Share them with family and friends so you can all laugh together.
How to Fight Fatigue Naturally
Fatigue is a symptom that is linked to a number of diseases. This unremitting tiredness makes us want to give up but there is still the flight or fight instinct that makes us want to go into battle with this but how? We are pushed to find a way forgetting that we have to get to the bottom of this first. For how can we treat it properly if we don’t know what caused it in the first place?
You have all the causes so let us try to eliminate them one at a time so that as soon as we get down to the bottom of this, we can then face the music and do something to dissipate fatigue both now and in the future. Getting the health back is going to be a process but it is going to be worth it. But don’t forget to talk to your doctor also as he knows the overall condition of your health. Only then will we be able to fight fatigue naturally. Here are the ways:
1. Use herbs instead of drugs. For example for stress and anxiety, these three may help: Wood betony, Blue vervain and Slippery elm.
2. Eat healthy by avoiding processed foods, toxin and chemicals and sugar. Instead eat plenty of fresh foods and vegetables.
3. Go easy on caffeine and other stimulants to fix fatigue for they can do more harm than good.
4. Do gentle and persistent exercise as this has been shown to ease the pain and fatigue. Exercise generates the feel good chemicals called endorphins.
5. Get a deep healing sleep every night . If you really want to have a good night’s sleep then don’t do the following before going to bed.
6. Learn to relax. Make your world as simple and comfortable for you and when stress comes on the attack, fight back with these relaxation techniques. .
7. Avoid toxins not only in your food but also in your environment or anything that touches your skin, like creams, soaps and shampoos.
How to Fight Fatigue From Morning Till Night
It is frustrating to be feeling tired all the time but don’t give up please at least until you get better. Ha! I got you there, didn’t I? Just remember that everybody has a different body clock. Some people are awake early in the morning like yours truly yet others have to start their morning later in the day. It is just the circadian rhythm at work.
So what do you have to do in this case? Just find what suits your body more and do your most difficult task when your body has more energy. Talk to your doctor to see if any of the following things you can do all day long is right for you. Be sure you do this before you implement any thing written in our blog.
Fight Fatigue Right Starting in the Morning
On Waking Up
As soon as you wake up, visualize that it is going to be a bright sunny day. That’s right, even when it’s raining. Take control of your day. Decide what you are going to do today to feel less tired and take action but be flexible. When you forget to check your blood sugar, for example, don’t fret. Just keep an open mind and make adjustments. Instead say hello and good morning to your body while doing stretches.
Then learn from that mistake and make a plan of not forgetting it next time. Lay down on the table what you need before you go to bed. You can do all these without having to pop pills that could just make you worse. But consult with your doctor to make sure as he or she will know the overall condition of your health.
Let some things pass you by. Thinking of what you can’t control will tire you out. What happens in the past is past. So control your emotions to avoid being stressed out. Know you can lower your stress level by talking to someone sympathetic, or taking a walk, and sometimes having an alone time. Accept and believe in yourself without trying to get accepted by others.
Better still, make a list of things you want done today. List down in the first column the things that drain you. Then in the second column, list the things that make you happy. After that think of what you can remove from the first column and think of something you can add in the second column.
Take ribose, an important sugar to aid in energy production, but don’t mistake this (which you can take as a supplement) with the common sugar in cakes and cookies. Researches have shown that D-ribose can reduce symptoms, pain and mental fogginess. While you’re at it, take Vitamin D, the sunshine pill, because if you have pain and fatigue, you may experience some relief.
I am just going to mention even though I am not an affiliate of this but I trust in Dr. Lipman who believes so much that adding an adaptogen to the morning routine will invigorate and tone the body arming it to adapt to what the body needs. They make the regulation of the stress hormone called cortisol in harmony making it renew the fight fighting and coping with anxiety processes. .
Going out to feel the sun on your face could make the rest of the day less intimidating because the brain’s pineal gland churns out serotonin when the eyes become aware of the light. Just 10 minutes in the sun will do it so take the newspaper outside to read or in your balcony and you will reap the benefit of this natural vitamin D. No wonder some people call this the happiness brew.
It is worth mentioning here that being deficient in vitamin D is widespread in adults who constantly wear sunscreen. In fact, researchers say that 50% of the population is at risk and more for those with darker skin and older people. What are the signs that you may be deficient in vitamin D? The signs are: having dark skin, over 50 years old, achy bones, obese, head sweating, feeling blue and trouble in the gut.
There was some talk about the efficacy of vitamin D. There was, for example, the opinion of Dr. Marshall (who was not really a medical doctor but a holder of the PhD in biomedical engineering) who said that any exposure to the sun is to be avoided because it was dangerous. He said further that vitamin D actually shuts down the immune system of the body so his treatment plan is to avoid sunlight and to limit the eating of foods rich in vitamin D.
He also directs people to take antibiotics for years which is really a disaster in the making. None of his proposals come from clinical trials. Besides treatment of inflammation should deal with a holistic healing that takes into account a healthy diet and exercise, management of sleep and stress, toxins in the environment and psychological factors which Dr. Marshall failed to address. So I beg of you not to be confused about what you read on vitamin D.
Suffice it say that that there has been evidence of the vital role vitamin D on sustaining the best possible health and in the prevention of diseases. So make sure you are not deficient in this vitamin as raising it to the optimum level could put off chronic diseases and may aid in avoiding heart disease, cancer, infections, mental health problems, autoimmune diseases and so on. The only thing is if you take the supplement you also have to boost your vitamin K1. Green leafy vegetables contain vitamin K1 so it is easy to get it through your meals.
Petting a dog or a cat can make you less exhausted, believe it or not. You don’t have to get one; just borrow a neighbor’s dog to take for a morning walk. Make sure you consult your doctors first and if you take medications and supplements, monitor how your body reacts and stop taking anything that does harm to your body with doctor’s guidance.
Exercise Time at 6:30 in the Morning
Doing a little bit of yoga in the morning will make you feel energetic. In this connection, see Dr. Dr. Oz 7-minute Morning Workout which I don’t recommend because I can’t even do them. It is just nice seeing Dr. Oz exercise and may motivate us to move more although in a more gentle manner. Here is a friendly reminder, always consult with your doctor before doing anything like in starting an exercise program as he knows your overall health condition.
If you are still tense from yesterday, do some simple moves to stretch your shoulders, backs and legs that will fire up the body, break the tension, and ease the pain. Follow the stretches with stretches against the wall. These two simple moves will open up pathways of energy and gives you energy for the day without using artificial pick-me-up.
Then do some graded exercise remedy. Start exercising gradually just stretching in the beginning. You will increase the time and intensity as time goes by. One study found out that those who did the graded exercise had less fatigue than other people.
Now keep moving. You may not want to exercise because you feel so tired but researches have shown that exercise can increase energy levels. It makes your muscles, lungs and heart work better. It is one of the most useful ways to fight fatigue. In fact, those who exercise regularly have more energy than those who do not.
Exercise also makes your lungs, muscles and heart stronger. On top of that, it makes one happier because exercise makes the body produce endorphins which are known as the happy hormones. You don’t have to go running to obtain the benefits of exercise. Choose the activities you enjoy like swimming or dancing.
Yoga especially has been found to boost energy levels, thus reducing the feelings of fatigue. It is very calming because of its meditative nature. After a yoga session, you will feel mentally energized and your physical energy level goes up a knot higher.
Exercise can also help you lose the extra pounds you may be carrying. You will feel better if you lose a little bit of weight. But do this in a safe and healthy way by eating healthy meals in smaller portions and cutting back on sugar and sodas. Don’t buy into all kinds of weight loss fads, crash diets for they do not really work long term.
While you’re exercising, make a mental note that you should have your doctor rule out health problems that may be bringing on the fatigue. Fatigue is a symptom of many health problems like anemia, heart disease, arthritis, thyroid dysfunction and sleep apnea in addition to diabetes. There are also medications like those for blood pressure, diuretics, antihistamines and other drugs that cause fatigue. So if you’re taking a new drug and you get tired, tell your doctor about it.
After the Exercise
After the exercise or even during and before, drink plenty of water because you don’t want to get dehydrated. Dehydration will make you tired and unable to perform with your energy level so low. With inadequate water in your system, the blood flow to the different organs slows down. Drink about 6 to 8 glasses of water every day. In fact, fatigue is a signal that you are not drinking enough water. That is why a simple way to fight fatigue is to drink enough water.
The very best water to drink comes from a natural gravity-fed spring. Where can you find the one nearest to you? Go and search for it at http://www.findaspring.com/why-spring-water/ It is pH balanced, naturally balanced and alive or structured. It is believed to offer more benefits than just hydration.
An expert who I admire very much because he is responsible for my being healthy, Dr. Mercola, says you can drink your way out of fatigue through juicing. It has many benefits including weight loss, detox but best of all, it boosts your energy like a shot in the arm and calms you down at the start and end of the day.
You can also increase your water consumption by eating fruits and vegetables with high water content like watermelon, tomatoes, beets, lettuce and cucumber. Drinking herbal teas will also give you a chance to increase your water intake. If your urine is darker than pale yellow, then you’re not drinking enough water.
Take omega-3 oils as not only it is good for your heart but also it will boost your energy. In a University of Sienna study in Italy, those who took fish oil capsule for 21 days did better and were more alert and vigorous.
Eat a perfect breakfast that is packed with protein and fat that will provide an energy boost. What is easy to prepare for breakfast is a smoothie with energy-boosting whey protein. It is so easy to prepare and easy to digest as well and packed with healthy proteins and fats and other nutrients to fuel your day.
What better way to start improving your diet right at breakfast time. Here are the ways:
Eat a breakfast that is packed with protein. Choose to eat healthy foods in a balanced diet as these offer more energy, thus putting a stop to feeling tired and lethargic. So eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, low-fat dairy products, whole grains and lean meats. At the same time reduce consumptions of foods with sugar, unhealthy fat and with high salt content.
Eat foods rich in omega 3s as they have been proven to increase one’s energy and make one more alert in addition to a host of more benefits. Since we do not produce omega-3, it is imperative we eat fatty fish like tuna, mackerel and salmon. If you do not like fish, you can take a supplement like fish oil. Flaxseeds and walnuts are also rich in omega-3.
Remember to add in your diet foods that are rich in iron as fatigue could be the result of anemia which is due to a diet that is deficient in iron. Talk to your doctor about taking an iron supplement but better still, eat more lean meat, seeds, beans, shellfish and tofu.
Don’t be tempted of having pastries, bagel or doughnuts or other refined carbs for breakfast. Instead opt for complex carbs like muesli. When muesli was first started, basically it was just dry cereal from nuts, fruits and wheat flakes soaked in fruit juice or water. It has less calories and sugar, is high in fiber and a source of antioxidants. And the nuts are rich in protein and omega-3 fatty acids. Make one that is less in dried fruits.
The energy level is closely related to the blood sugar level which could go on a roller coaster ride due to overeating and the opposite one which is not eating enough. So don’t skip meals or skip breakfast. This could be confusing as there is something new about skipping breakfast because they found that intermittent fasting is also good. Ask me in the comments below if you want more info on this.
Now is the time to remind yourself if you need to lose weight because doing it is a potent energy boost. Remind yourself also that eating smaller meals more often may help not only weight loss but also to improve your energy level. The only thing is that you have to watch your portion sizes.
10:00 AM
You are getting stressed out. There is a pile of work on your desk. What to do? Knowing that anxiety, stress and other negative emotions will just make you feel more tired, the first thing to do is lower your stress level. Since you are experiencing your stress at work, why not delegate some of your work to others?
You’re tied up at work. Your incoming basket is full to the brim and there’s hardly anything in your outgoing basket. Get back to work worried and rush up? No, take a five-minute break. Listen to your favourite relaxing music and re-energize yourself naturally. You need this little time-out to relax your body and calm your mine. Or do some breathing exercises. You will see you will be able to tackle that incoming basket after the musical and breathing time-out.
Then list down all your tasks according to difficulty and do the easy ones out of the way. Once you see the list gets shorter, you will feel less stressed. If this fails, you can try to switch to a job that is less stressful. But don’t give up on this job until you find a replacement. If your stress is personal, talk to the one who is making you feel stressed and discuss your needs.
If you can’t get anywhere with this, try a break to cool off and think hard whether you need this relationship. It could be that your stress stems from not having time for yourself. Try some meditation and yoga time and you will see a reduction of stress. Or just spending time with family and friends may do the trick.
Speaking of spending time with family and friends which releases oxytocin that makes one feel calm, researchers found out the same thing happens when you interact with your friends in Facebook and Twitter. If you’re tired of technology, calling a friend on the phone can also do the trick.
Whatever, choose to be happy and hopeful for without these two, it will be difficult to face life. Besides, it has been shown that happy people are less prone to develop chronic diseases. They say happiness can even change the genes we are born with, can you imagine that? So promise me you will try your best to be happy, no matter what.
Why do I want you to promise me to be happy? It’s simple; it’s the health benefits you will get from being happy. And what are those health benefits, you asked? Well it boosts your immune system and they say even if you catch a cold, the symptoms will be less bothersome and you get better more quickly than those who are not happy.
And guess what? Those who are more grateful sleep better, have improved mood, feel less tired and have less inflammation. What do all these mean? Happiness plays a crucial role in one’s well being. It also means we have to make sure we feel happy every day. It does not take much to feel happy. A smile from a stranger makes me happy. And you can school yourself to do the same.
Lunch Time
If you have not done so yet, now is the time to consider which foods are best to beat diabetes. This will help you learn how to use your diet to fight fatigue in diabetes. These are suggested foods but you can discover which fit you best by monitoring your body’s response to each of the foods you try. This way, you will learn the best foods your body needs especially the body works on what we feed it.
First off, know that what we eat is not the only thing to consider because when you eat the energy foods can also affect your mood. Now we know that after a heavy meal, we feel sleepy and lethargic. Why do you think that is so? Well, the body after a meal is using that energy to digest all that food. So what is the antidote for this? It’s simple; just eat smaller meals.
Stay away from processed foods. They may give you comfort and satisfy the hunger while you’re consuming them but that’s all they do. Processed foods like prepared meals in boxes, meats that are pre-cooked and other packaged foods are usually full of chemicals so avoid them. There is evidence to show that to reduce the risk for illness, consumption of processed food has to be addressed.
Consume only fresh foods because they do not contain preservatives to make them stay longer on the shelf like the processed foods. Buy fresh foods from the farmers’ market especially when they are in season. Why? Because then you know the ripening process is natural. And that is something you have to do, eat foods that are natural and fresh.
Eat lean proteins like chickens that are not farmed in factories crammed in crowded unsanitary conditions where they are fed with antibiotics to prevent the spread of diseases. The use of antibiotics pollutes the environment and is a threat to human health. Fish also provide lean meat but get the ones that are wild caught and again not farmed.
What to eat makes such a difference to how quickly you can get your strength back. In this connection, you can’t beat 10-15 Micron PhytoGreen-M Green fitoplancton Acuario Suplemento, 500 ml
Have a real good healthy lunch as this is the time when digestion hits the highest point. If you don’t eat enough, you will not be ready to tackle the afternoon work. So eat a meal that provides you with good nourishment, wholesome foods with protein, fruits and vegetables and healthy fat.
It’s at lunch time where some people can get started with their alcohol consumption. One glass of red wine is fine but not if this is only the start of so many. Sometimes people want to drink thinking that this will help them unwind but the truth of the matter is that they end up feeling more tired because later on when the chemicals are broken down, the feeling of nervousness returns with a vengeance. Also alcohol can set off dehydration that can change the mood.
You may be feeling more tired at this time but there is a solution for that. When you hear your favorite music on the radio, stand up and dance excitedly. This has been found to have a positive effect on the mind and body. So go ahead and jump for joy. Find something that will make you do that reliving your childhood enthusiasm.
At 2 in the Afternoon, Dealing With the Afternoon Slump
Getting more tired? Well, here’s a yoga pose that will give you a lift and energize you. Close that office door and do that pose. Better still, go out to a nearby park. All you need is a flat surface and three towels and do the yoga pose like you see in this video. I promise you, you will feel invigorated!
Then have a snack on any of the following suggestions that are gluten-free and wheat-free snacks raw walnuts, almonds, sesame seeds, berries, pumpkin seeds, an apple with 1 tablespoon almond butter, a protein shake or green shake, wild salmon in a can with gluten-free crackers, cucumber and carrot sticks with hummus.
Or grab an energy bar that has only 20 grams or less of carbs and no more than two grams of saturated fat. Here is a better one. A slice of avocado or a handful of nuts have healthy fats that will offer you a longer-lasting energy. And remember that bowl of equal parts of vinegar and water with sliced cucumbers? Get one to refresh yourself.
Eat nuts to beat fatigue especially the ones that supply energy like walnuts, hazelnuts, cashews and pecans. They are full of nutrients especially when they are unsalted and eaten raw. They are great for an afternoon snack instead of refined carbs that do not add nutrients. Opt for complex carbs and whole grains that add to your food intake.
But don’t pair any snack with caffeine because this will make you tired. I know some people say the opposite is true but that’s only from the first mouthful which will give one a bolt from the blue but the truth is you could crash. Avoiding it will steady the energy level. It is a stimulant after all. It can make you feel jumpy which just might add more anxiety.
If you need a dose, have green tea (has lots of cancer-fighting antioxidants) of high quality instead of energy drinks and sodas full of sugar and other dubious stuff. Or better still, have a glass of water. Your body will thank you for it because not enough water can make you feel foggy and tired, according to the Journal of Nutrition. Even a loss of only 1.5% water will make you feel fatigued.
Royal Matcha Green Tea, comes from Japan. It is certified organic by USDA, and is a finest green tea of the very highest attribute. It has 17 times more antioxidants than blueberries, 9 times more beta carotene than spinach and is bright green, harvested by hand by highly paid skilled workers. No wonder Japan has the world’s 4rth life expectancy rate at 81.2 years. Most European countries, China and the US did not even make it to the top ten.
If you smoke, quit smoking because generally smokers have less energy. Why? Because the carbon monoxide in cigarettes drains the body’s oxygen level it needs to make energy. So if you smoke and frequently tired, the first step is to quit smoking. Here are some tips.
When you feel like nothing is going right, the best solution is to list down what you have achieved. Write down the good things that happened to you and the nice things you have done to people. They don’t have to be big things for in the next world, you will not be asked how much money you earned and so on, but rather what you have done to others to make them feel good.
Cold water may also help you. Surprised? I was too, but University Of Chicago researchers say cold water helps rejuvenate the mind. Dr. Zacny says those who are exposed to cold water did better in a standard alertness test. He says to run cold water on your wrist one or two minutes to invigorate your mind. Getting water on your face will do the same.
Here’s another surprise. Mint smells make one more alert, thus with greater energy. Studies have shown they make people able to exercise longer and finish tasks faster. So keep a supply of fresh mint on the ready to garnish salads and drinks. Better still, grow a spearmint plant indoors all year. To release the aroma, brush your fingers through the leaves. It’s energizing.
Take a short nap in the afternoon for not more than half an hour. More than this will make you feel woozy. Even a ten-minute nap will make you less tired and perform better. Some even say following up your power nap with a cup of high quality green tea and a healthy snack like string cheese, yogurt drinks, trail mix and granola bars will do wonders for your energy level. This must be the good reason why the Spaniards take an afternoon siesta.
Then connect with the people around you. Since sitting for long periods of time is bad for your health (in fact, they say prolonged sitting is the new smoking which I think they mean it could portend early death so get up from your seat every once in a while and connect with your office mates. You will feel energized and connected in the community where you work.
On your way home from work, don’t turn on the news. Instead listen to your favourite music and take a deep breath, one that fills all of you through the nose and let it all out the same way. As soon as you get home, do some stretches for around five minutes. Keep stretching gentle. You don’t have to bounce and remember that if you feel pain, that means you have stretched too far.
And don’t turn on the TV because it can take some energy out of you. In fact, don’t turn it on for 24 hours and see what happens. We did and didn’t even miss it. Instead think of a great time you have like a promotion at work or a scholarship you received or your first pay cheque. Try to relive that feeling of excitement in your mind.
Then think of your purpose in life. Because as Dr. Oz said you need a goal to go to so you can get the energy to get there. While you are at it, think of a chore of yours you can let someone else do and also of some toxic relationship you have. Let go of all of these and also any grudges you have at work for they are debilitating and will just tire you out. Or if the problem is deeper than this, look inward and see if you are overworking yourself because you are trying to forget some pain and work it out.
Dinner Time
Avoid the junk food buffet and cook up a balanced dinner you can make in 20 minutes. At this point, some people have the wrong notion that if they have alcohol they will be able to sleep but really alcohol will even prevent you from falling asleep so try to limit your alcohol intake to 3 to 4 units if you are a man and 2 to 3 units each day for women. So enjoy one drink; sip it very slowly.
You get enough sleep and you exercise but why are you still feeling so tired? One nutritionist said it could be in your diet. She checked out some people’s diet and found them lacking in Vitamin B which is essential for boosting energy. There is also not enough iron so if you make minor changes and eat foods reach in vitamin B, you will feel more energetic.
How do we get around this dilemma? Want to know the ten foods that fight fatigue? Well, fasten your seatbelts for here they are coming at you fast and furious.
1. Milk not only provides protein and energy-boosting carbohydrates but also it supplies your body with water that helps retain the electrolyte balance. On top of this drinking a glass of milk before bedtime will make your muscles thank you for it makes them feel better when you wake up. As for me, I don’t go to bed without a drink of milk because it helps me get a restorative sleep.
2. Beans Fiber gives the energy boost you get from carbs because it takes its time to get digested. The fiber from beans keeps the energy level on an even keel, Fiber also keeps the energy levels in a steady stable condition. Beans also contain magnesium that helps the body relax so it can rest and reinstate the energy.
3. Nuts are rich in both protein and fiber, which help increase energy and then keep it steady. It is a great way to restock the energy after an exercise session. To get back the electrolytes lost during a workout that makes you feeling tired, just have some roasted nuts. They also have magnesium, quite a healthy addition. I put a couple of walnuts and almonds in my smoothies along with my fruits and vegetables.
4. Eggs have zinc, iron and protein but more importantly when you are fatigued, they are a grand source of energy. Research has shown that not only does it help build muscles and keep you satiated but it also supplies energy source—they have iron, zinc, and a lot of protein that not only helps build muscles and keep you full, but also it provides prolonged energy. It has 6 grams of protein and B vitamins that help with energy production.
5. Chia Seeds per tablespoon contain protein, 5 grams of fiber, omega-3 fatty acids, iron, potassium, magnesium and an antioxidant called quercetin. It is a food that works hard at fighting fatigue. Since I don’t like them that much, I hide them in my smoothie. And what do you know, Jamba Juice does the same in their Carrot Orange Fusion Smoothie.
6. Melon is a good source of water. It is not only from water that you get H2O from but you can also get them from foods you eat like melon. This is a good thing because you don’t want to get dehydrated because this can make you feel tired. Watermelon is also a good source because it has 90% water content and also a good source of energy.
7. Sweet Potatoes is a super food. It has potassium that helps relax the body in reducing the feeling of stress which can make one feel tired out. The potassium in sweet potatoes also helps balance the electrolytes keeping one hydrated. On top of all of these, the high-fiber carbs content of this superfood helps stabilize one’s energy.
8. Oatmeal is the food to go to when you are feeling tired and running low on energy. The quality carbohydrates it contains get stocked up in the body as glycogen. You will then have enough fuel for your muscles and brains to do their stuff. No wonder horses are so strong. Oatmeal is what horses are regularly fed with.
9. Crimini Mushrooms I buy as soon as they get on sale. I love them in my omelet and they love me back because they supply me with B vitamins, thiamin, niacin, folate and a host of other stuff. They help my body get the energy to finish this page. I know it is getting too long but I want it as complete as possible.
10. Black, Green or Oolong Tea they say will make you more alert because of the amino acid theanine it contains but I prefer Royal Matcha Green Tea, which has 9 more times beta carotene than spinach and more antioxidants than blueberries. I think they want me to take it black but I cheat a bit and put a little milk in it and stevia. Sh… don’t tell anybody, okay? That will be our secret. Oh, I forgot it makes people live longer. Not that I want to live long; I just want to be healthy.
When you have time especially in the weekend, have some serious fun and call a fun friend who always makes you laugh. Together, plan to dress up and put on strappy heels and sexy clothes and do some innocent flirting. It will make you feel alive. Then go shopping. After all, shopping is cheaper than a psychiatrist.
Ideally, you should not be doing any work at this time but if you have last-minute work to do, turn off the fluorescent lights because they are high in blue hues to which you may be more sensitive. Use the incandescent lamp which are higher in reds but lower the brightness if you’re at the computer.
Ease down into the evening by powering down your body. To heal your body from a stressful day and calm you down, here’s yoga to the rescue, a restorative yoga that is. You can either do the reclining belt pose or the legs up the wall which is very refreshing and you can do anywhere as long as there is a wall. Sorry, I can’t be more specific but I can send you the details if you ask for it at randeg11atyahoo.com.
When you are done powering down your body, do the same for your house. Turn off the TV, the computer, your phones. Turn off the lights before you go to sleep, making your bedroom completely dark so the lights on the radio and alarm clock should be covered. Check the room for any lights that will prevent the melatonin from doing their job in putting you in a deep restorative sleep.
Don’t dwell on anything that happened during the day. Instead rewrite it into a comedy skit and get yourself to laugh. If you do not have the energy to relive one, find a funny sitcom on TV or internet to give yourself a laugh.
Many have sleep problems at least two-thirds of people do and this affects their energy level. Try to get to bed early so you will at least get 7 hours of sleep. Ideally it should be 8 hours of sleep. If you find it difficult for you to go to sleep, then you may have to make some adjustments to your sleep routine. What are those adjustments, you asked? Read on and you’ll see.
Have a regular sleep schedule. Go to bed at the same time every day, say at 10 and wake up at the same time at 6. Pretty soon your body will get the message and you will be sleepy at 10 and you will wake up feeling invigorated at 6. This is contrary to what we were used to. Why? Because we used to sleep on time during the week and then get carried away in the weekend and sleep all hours.
Then researchers found out that if we did that, it disturbs the sleep/wake pattern and the body gets confused. I didn’t know that what was wrong with my sleep hygiene was waking at different times of the day. I tried to do what the researchers recommended and voila my problem was solved. I know it is difficult sometime. What if you have to go to a party? Well I make it a point to go to sleep at 11 and wake up at 7. Problem solved!
Another adjustment you may have to make is in the physical aspect of where you sleep. Your room has to be comfortable and to do that, adjust the temperature at the level where your body is most comfortable. If you do not have air conditioning in the summer, go and get an electric fan which is really cheap enough to make it affordable.
When did you have your last cup of coffee? Just remember that caffeine may not allow you to fall asleep so even though coffee helps fight fatigue you should not have any caffeine 5 hours before bedtime. It is even worse for me. I can have my tea only at lunch time. After that, my body just refuses to cooperate at bedtime so monitor your body’s reaction as we are all different.
Block out all noise and lights. Cover all lights emitted by radios and gadgets. Then turn off all connection to the WIFI or take the risk of being awakened in the middle of the night asking you to play a game or CNN telling you that some terrorists bombed a place somewhere. Don’t get me wrong. It’s not that I don’t want to be connected to people but my health is more important to me.
If there is a need to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night, do not turn on the switches because that can briefly hold back the production of melatonin in your body. Do you know what I do? I keep a flashlight on my night table. It saved me a lot because one year when there was a black out in New York, my flashlight saved the night for me.
We are all guilty of doing lots of things at the same time like replying to an email and talking on the phone. Really we have to take time out from this tech trap or we will wake up one day totally burned out. Do you know what a British study found out? People who do multitasking have their IQs lowered by 10 points.
And did you know that fatigue is one of the common disorders that have been linked scientifically to cell phone? So stop it from ruining your sleep and make you and your family safe first by limiting the use of cell phone or use a wired headset to prevent the radiation from going to your brain. Using the speaker phone will also help. And stay away from WIFI routers.
The same is true with watching TV or surfing the net in your computer or iPad or playing a game but that could spell trouble when bedtime comes around. You think those activities are restful but on the contrary, the bright lights of those devices could trick your body into thinking it is day time. Instead, try reading or listening to music. Reading is less disruptive than the TV light.
So take time to go on tech break. Close your emails and your phone and go to bed in peace. Your mind will feel better for it and thank you for being distraction-free. Then when you get home, do the same. Set an hour from all distraction. The work will still be there when the free hour is over.
Another adjustment you could make is to try to take a warm bath. Researchers think this helps bring on sleep because it helps relax and wash away all the problems of the day and then they say the warm temperature in the bath and the cooling right after is like the hormones the brain sets free when you fall asleep. Take a bath half an hour before bed adding aromatic oils, lighting some candles and listening to relaxing music.
Hang a bunch of eucalyptus on the curtain rod in the bathroom. The essential oils will be activated by the steam which should last a few weeks. Or put 15 drops of eucalyptus oil with ½ cup of Epsom salt and you have yourself an aromatherapy bath. Among other things, this aids to improve circulation, calm the body down, reduce sore muscles and improve sleep.
Then there’s the lavender essential oil that has soothing and calming effect. Rub it on the neck to calm down the body and lessen anxiety and improve sleep. Or add lavender essential oils and Epsom salts to recondition the body after a challenging day. There is also peppermint oil that improves focus and energy. Some feel this is too strong so use its cousin, spearmint oil, which is more gentle.
Not enough sleep is a leading cause of fatigue. A study at Stanford University showed that when the participants were allowed to sleep as much as they wanted, they experienced less fatigue and showed more energy in their tasks. Good sleep habits are essential. Older people reported better sleep in the study.
Just before you go to sleep every night, do a check-up on the status of your stress. Make adjustment so you can sleep to rebalance that stress for you know stress can make you tired. We now know from the Yale University study that sleep can stop the stress hormones from doing their damaging work and release the ones that have a calming effect.
What happened at the office or whatever in the past still torturing you? Let go of that feeling or you will feel drained, tired and without motivation. Instead put that feeling in context by looking around you to see people in more dire situation than you. Those who do this are happier, less tired and show less symptoms.
Unbroken sleep heals the muscles and restocks the body with energy. Enough sleep not only improves muscle strength and energy but also lowers the feeling of tiredness. Try your best to get eight hours of sleep every night. If you are having trouble falling asleep read these tips.
If you feel the 24 hour schedule of fighting fatigue too exhaustive, here’s a 7-day plan to Fight Fatigue from Dr. Oz
We get ourselves too busy to the point we get fatigued just thinking of all the things we have to do. That is why it is too easy to find the root cause of why we lose the energy to keep going on. The reasons are four-fold: inadequate sleep, unhealthy diet, stress and no exercise. It is on those four causes of fatigue the following 7-day plan is based.
Day 1 is not to eat simple carbs before 12 o'clock. It is simple enough: stay away from baked goods, processed cereal with sugar and drinks that make you fat like coffee drinks called caramel lattes. They will give you a quick boost waking you up for a bit but then set you for a crash. Just have a simple protein for breakfast of eggs with turkey or bacon.
Day 2 is to begin having healthy snacks that are high in fiber and protein . This will keep the blood sugar on an even keel. The protein will provide the energy and the fiber will make the same last. Have a quarter cup of dried peas which will give you six grams of protein and three grams of fiber. Pistachios can be a good alternative for a healthy snack in the afternoon or in mid morning.
Day 3 is for multivitamins to take for energy and for health and immune system so you can fight any kinds of illness. Consult with your doctor what you need. For instance, in addition to a multi vitamin, I take vitamins E, and B12 plus magnesium, fish oil, calcium and coq10.
Day 4 is for you to get rest which should be seven to eight hours of sleep.
Day 5 is for hydration. I cannot say it enough. Even a little bit of inadequacy in the water department can make one tired. In this connection, Dr. Oz has something for you to keep you hydrated. He calls it “Wakeup Water”. Mine is more simple: I just squeeze in a quarter of a lemon in a glass of water and I just drink that and follow it up with another glass of water.
Day 6 is for exercise. Dr. Oz suggests to walk 10 minutes a day. It may be ludicrous to say this since you are feeling tired, but Dr. Oz is right because any physical activity raises your energy level for up to two hours. Later on, you can work this up to 30 minutes, even an hour. Pretty soon you may even indulge in intermittent fitness exercise. If you want to know more of this, write to me at randeg11@yahoo.com with the subject line, “Evelyn, you told me to write to you.” I don’t open emails without this line.
Day 7 is to learn to manage your stress. Deep breathing will help beat the stress. Do this while you are having your every day walk. Inhale a deep breath for 2 seconds and exhale slowly for 4 seconds. Repeat until after one minute and you will see you will feel less stressed and rested to boot.
Breaking News That Matter to Diabetics
1. Bionic Pancreas Coming Closer
Would it not be great to have an artificial pancreas that will regulate the insulin levels automatically? This will soon come to reality because it is headed to clinical trial. Then it will dole out the necessary insulin and glucagon. This will free us from thinking too much about blood sugar levels and insulin doses.
2. Diabetes Life Hacks
Would you love to hear of some shortcuts to take care of diabetes? There are some hacks like this one. “I buy glucose tablets in bulk to save money, and re-use old pill containers to carry just the right amount when traveling.” - Dan P. Then there’s Betsy Ray who mounted a Dexcom CGM receiver onto her bike so could view the data while riding. There’s more; just let me know when you want them
Did you get tired reading all 33 pages of information on Diabetes and Fatigue? I warned you not to read them all at once. But please do keep it for further resource. And if you know of some who are suffering from fatigue, please direct them to this website for help. Please no matter what happens, continue taking good care of yourself. It will be worth it because you can see how many diabetics are surviving. You can do it; how do I know?. Because I am praying for all of you who take time to read what I write.
Your Turn
What do you think of all of these? Did you learn something new? Do you have any information on this issue to contribute? What strategies do you use to take care of your condition? Have you used some of the strategies listed here? Did anything work for you? Please Share it with us! -Love to hear your thoughts. Leave us a comment below so we’ll know.
By Roger Guzman, M.D. and Evelyn Guzman
Find out how this book may save your life for yourself and loved ones!
1. http://www.mayoclinic.org/symptoms/fatigue/basics/causes/sym-20050894
2. Stop Yawning! How to Fight Diabetic Fatigue = http://www.diabeticconnect.com/news-articles/8247-fighting-fatigue-diabetes-self-management/portal
3. http://www.mayoclinic.org/symptoms/fatigue/basics/causes/sym-20050894
4. http://www.touchendocrinology.com/articles/fatigue-adults-type-2-diabetes-overview-current-understanding-and-management-approaches
5. Shed Belly Flab and Boost Your Brain Function with This Simple Eating Tweak http://fitness.mercola.com/sites/fitness/archive/2015/07/03/intermittent-fasting-cancer-treatment.aspx?e_cid=20150703Z1_DNL_art_1&utm_source=dnl&utm_medium=email&utm_content=art1&utm_campaign=20150703Z1&et_cid=DM78498&et_rid=1018315473
6. Energizing Tricks to Fight Fatigue http://www.prevention.com/health/sleep-energy/9-energizing-tricks-fight-fatigue
- 7. Solutions To Thrive Under Stress Powerful ways to build resilience when you need it most http://www.prevention.com/mind-body/emotional-health/how-real-women-thrive-under-stress
8. 4 Ways to Fight Through Fatigue http://www.everydayhealth.com/columns/shilpi-agarwal-your-holistic-health-guide/natural-ways-to-fight-chronic-fatigue/
9. 4 Natural Ways to Fight Chronic Fatigue https://www.yahoo.com/health/4-natural-ways-to-fight-chronic-fatigue-116937862548.html By Shilpi Agarwal, MD
10. 3 Stress-Relieving Habits That May Do More Harm Than Good These "calming" activities may in fact be sabotaging your serenity. Avoid these chill-out fake-outs » http://www.oprah.com/health_wellness/Habits-That-Increase-Stress
11. http://www.webmd.com/balance/guide/get-energy-back 9 Ways to Get Your Energy Back Running on fumes? Here's how to stop feeling so tired all the time.
12. Cancer's Candy, Finally Unmasked http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2015/07/25/sugar-industry-secrets.aspx?e_cid=20150725Z1_DNL_art_1&utm_source=dnl&utm_medium=email&utm_content=art1&utm_campaign=20150725Z1&et_cid=DM80163&et_rid=1049184239
13. Foods That Fight Fatigue http://www.healthline.com/health/food-nutrition/foods-that-beat-fatigue#EnergyFoods1
14. Foods and Supplements That May Help Calm Your Nerves http://www.healthline.com/health-slideshow/foods-beat-anxiety#2
15. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VwwKskPQdGE Dr. Lipman's Energizing Yoga Pose
16. http://www.drfranklipman.com/all-day-energy-10-fantastic-ways-to-fight-fatigue/ All Day Energy: 10 Fantastic Ways to Fight Fatigue
17. http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2015/08/03/vegetarian-vegan-nutrient-deficiencies.aspx?e_cid=20150803Z1_DNL_art_1&utm_source=dnl&utm_medium=email&utm_content=art1&utm_campaign=20150803Z1&et_cid=DM81280&et_rid=1061651146
18. http://www.mindbodygreen.com/0-15793/5-all-natural-ways-to-fight-fatigue-if-you-have-a-chronic-illness.html 5 All-Natural Ways To Fight Fatigue If You Have A Chronic Illness by Dr. William Rawls
19. http://www.mensfitness.com/nutrition/what-to-eat/10-foods-that-fight-fatigue 10 Foods That Fight Fatigue
20. http://www.oprah.com/health/Dr-Ozs-7-Day-Plan-to-Fight-Fatigue Dr. Oz’s 7-Day Plan to Fight Fatigue
Copyright © August 31, 2015 Roger Guzman, M.D. and Evelyn Guzman (Diabetes and Fatigue) All Rights Reserved. You may copy and publish this article as long as the text, the author's names, the active links and this notice remain the same.
Disclaimer: This is not a medical advice column. We are people interested on learning as much as we can and freely and openly sharing the wisdom of our collected experiences — our been-there-done-that knowledge from the trenches. Bottom line: we are only a small part of your total prescription. You still need the professional advice, treatment, and care of a licensed medical professional.
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