It is too bad we can’t continue on with the Diabetes Positive Approach Newsletter. There are just not enough people interested in it but I am just as committed to help you better your life with diabetes. So every once in a while, we will be sending you these alerts plus a special topic which in this case a lady doctor who is passionate with Fat Loss Secret. But first let’s get on with the alerts.
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Here’s video on Top 10 Fat Loss Foods Why Are They Mad at This Lady Doctor? What Did She Do Wrong? It's unbelievable but true, quite a few people are mad at this lovely lady doctor. You will be surprised why. But this is the way some people are. When someone discovers something fantastic, then they start finding fault. They just don't want anybody to succeed like this lady doctor did.
I guess by now you are wondering what in heaven's name did this doctor do. You are itching to know why. I don't blame you but you know what? Some of you may even know her because that is how popular she is. In fact, I knew her for sometime now but I just didn't have time to write about her.
Well, I won't let you wait any longer. Her name is Dr Suzanne Gudakunst, and you will know more of her by the end of this page. What did she do, you asked? Well she is just someone who discovered something great, a cure for illness, disease or condition.
What is this cure? Well it is something everyone is looking for, something that will prevent them from getting sick. And that is not all. This discovery may also end obesity in people. Can you believe it? No wonder some are mad at her. They won't be able to sell all those diet things anymore.
Dr. Suzanne was able to zero in on what exactly makes people fat or obese. And not only that. She knows how to stop it on its track. And then she was able to link this to why people get sick making them suffer so and prematurely leave this earth.
You know what they are? They are parasites. Yikes! Apparently some species of these parasites and a goopy plaque that is left in the bowels makes one fat and develop an apple figure complete with a pouch or a beer belly. No wonder even if I don't eat anything after supper and decide to go to bed hungry just so I won't get fat, I still get that pouch!
I am not sick yet but I am not going to wait till that happens because sooner or later, as Dr. Suzanne found, those parasites and goopy plaque are directly linked to more than 99% of all diseases like cancers, arthritis, heart disease and you got it right. Diabetes as well!
Now enter our new best friend, Dr. Suzanne who found a natural remedy that will flush out all these parasites and plaques out to oblivion where they belong. People who use her formula have reported some weight loss of 100 lbs or more.
Those people who lost some weight did so without changing the way they eat. Mind you, please don't give up on eating healthy now! This weight loss is not the only good thing that happened to these people. Their heart disease, even cancer and yes, diabetes too, left without saying goodbye.
Now do you see why some people are mad at this doctor? The people who have stopped getting fat, stopped getting sick, have also stopped buying stuff that was supposed to make them feel better are now healthy and much happier, thank you very much.
So now you probably want to know what this Fat Loss Secret is all about. See it for yourself and you will get as excited as I am. Once you see what she has for you, you will be amazed too. But here’s another one better than that. Try this for a 60-day money-back guarantee to make your dream body a reality. Called THE VENUS FACTOR.
It is the first and only weight loss plan designed to dramatically increase female metabolism and bring out the sexy goddess in you by delivering fast, long term, enjoyable fat loss... ...without restricting the foods you crave most, without working yourself in some death trap contraption, and most certainly WITHOUT working against your body so your fat loss process becomes simple, and even ENJOYABLE.
There you have the fat loss secret everyone has been dreaming about. Thank goodness now it is no longer a secret. You can try all the different ways like eating the right kinds of food shown in the video or for women follow The Venus Factor to make your dream body a reality.
Your Turn
Which one works for you? Please share them with us in the comment box below.
By Roger Guzman, M.D. and Evelyn Guzman

Copyright 2014 Roger Guzman, M.D. and Evelyn Guzman All rights reserved.