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Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Blood Sugar Control All About It - Part One


Consistently high blood sugar can spell trouble by increasing the risk of developing serious complications. Among these is nerve damage but don’t fret because our body is a scientific marvel that works well, regularly as clockwork at least until some unwelcome guest comes for a visit and decides to stay permanently. That is why we chose this topic for it is imperative that we control the blood sugar level. So this is what you will get from this presentation: 1. 'Bionic Pancreas' Lowers Blood Sugar for Type 1 Diabetics
2. TOP 10 Foods that do NOT affect the blood sugar
3. Best Foods To Control Blood Sugar
4. Does Protein Affect Blood Sugar? Are There Guidelines?
5. Chocolate and Blood Sugars, Don’t Let This Happen To You!

'Bionic Pancreas' Lowers Blood Sugar for Type 1 Diabetics.

"Bionic pancreas", What Are They?

They’re a device that employs a computer program in conjunction with some other devices used to manage diabetes. The trials have shown that they successfully managed the blood sugar level of both type 1 diabetic adults and children. What is important with this is that one may not have to do constant monitoring of the blood sugar anymore.
This lifted the burdens off the shoulders of type 1 diabetics since this device is essentially automated. That is why Edward Damiano who is the senior author and associate professor of the biomedical engineering department at Boston University said, “It’s diabetes without the numbers.”

How Can the Bionic Pancreas Help?

They contain both insulin and glucagon. We know that insulin lowers blood sugar while the glucagon raises it quickly. The bionic pancreas can deal with both for it has two insulin pumps, one each for glucagon and insulin. It also has a smartphone with the application of the computer program that controls the pumps which reports the blood sugar levels to the continuous glucose monitor.

What Now?

You can’t blame us to be skeptical because there have been lots of news that promise us relief only for them to fall down on the wayside. They say this is different for it is hoped that in 18 months, they will have an integrated machine that includes a reservoir each for the glucagon and insulin, the computer program and a continuous glucose monitor sensor. The device would also have two tiny tubes inserted under the skin every three days for the two hormones.

To start off our Food Section Relating to Blood Sugar, here’s a video on the TOP 10 Foods that do NOT affect the blood sugar

Best Foods To Control Blood Sugar

There are tricks and dietary tips we can use to lower the numbers in the blood glucose meters. One such tip is to eat foods that are blood sugar-friendly and this is what we aim to inform you so you can make the right choices. The good thing is that in addition to the improvement in the blood glucose reading, you could also trim down the waistline.

What To Eat for Optimal Blood Sugar Control

A healthy diet is the cornerstone for optimal blood sugar control. However, there are foods that do better at controlling the blood sugar. Here they are:
1. Non-starchy vegetables should occupy half your plate like broccoli, spinach, green beans, kale. They have high fiber and low carbs.
2. Nuts like walnuts, almonds and pecans are full of protein, healthy fat and fiber. Research has shown that eating 2.5 oz of nuts every day can lower the A1C levels for as much as 8% but eat just enough as they are high in calories.
3. Cinnamon, they say, may decrease the fasting sugar levels for as much as 10%. We sprinkle it in our oatmeal but you can do the same to sweet potatoes and coffee.
4. Quinoa makes it to many lists of super foods. Why? Because it is considered a complete protein. Half a cup of cooked quinoa has 20 grams of carbs and 6 g protein.
5. Chia seeds are not only good for sprouting green hair on figurines but they are also high in omega-3 fatty acids, one oz of which has 5g of protein and 11g of fiber, some say 10g per ounce or 2 tablespoons. The fiber it contains is of the soluble type which slows down the rise of blood sugar.
6. Strawberries are high in fiber so snack on them. Just watch the portions because of the sugar content.
7. Vinegar may help lower the blood sugar with just a spoon of vinegar. Studies have shown that apple cider vinegar slows down the rise of the blood sugar after a meal. A study at the University of Sydney showed that even one tablespoon of lemon juice or vinegar lowered the blood sugar level by as much as 25 to 30%. No wonder before the advent of drugs, the diabetics drank vinegar tea to help with blood sugar control.
8. Steel cut oats that is unsweetened is one of the best carbs for diabetics because its soluble fiber content is high so it will take longer to digest, thus will not make the blood sugar rise fast. Try it first with small portion because it affects people in different ways. Some get their blood sugar rise up.
9. Sourdough helps lower the blood sugar. That’s a surprise, isn’t it? We know that both white bread and whole wheat make the blood sugar go up but sourdough causes change in the composition of the bread that makes it lower the blood sugar. But keep the portions small, do you hear?
10. Green bananas or unripe ones you won’t like but there is a way to get around this. Substitute green banana flour in recipes so you will get the benefit of resistant starch. This is the kind of starch that resists the body’s digestive enzymes. They do not break down into sugar molecules and not absorbed in the blood stream. Instead they go all the way to the large intestine undigested.

Can Cinnamon Lower the Blood Sugar Level?

The contention is that cinnamon does more than give flavor to our food. For hundreds of years, the Chinese have employed cinnamon to ease arthritis pain, lower cholesterol and now many think that it lowers the blood sugar level. They say it can help reduce the resistance to insulin among type 2 diabetics.
So what does the research say? Research conducted at the Jiangsu University’s Clinical Medical College as well as at the University of California found similar results – that cinnamon helps blood sugar control for both type 2 diabetics and those diagnosed with pre-diabetes. However, if you combine this herbal remedy with medications that also lower the blood sugar, take precaution by talking to your doctor about this.

Can Eating Celery Lower the Blood Sugar Level?

Celery is a super food and you can consume it between meals without affecting the blood sugar but there is no evidence that it lowers it. It is not the celery that reduces the blood glucose, rather it is how long you have eaten foods rich in carbohydrates and the amount of activity you have done. You can try eating the same and eat the celery one day and skip it the next.
Chances are you will not see any difference or just a little bit in the blood sugar readings. The trouble with this little experiment is that it is not easy to replicate exactly what one eats and the activities one takes part in. So the jury is out; just enjoy this super food but don’t count on it to solve the blood glucose dilemma.

What Breakfasts Are Bad for Blood Sugar?

Some people know the good breakfast to eat for blood sugar control. For Danish and croissants, we know the verdict, that is, they are not good for blood sugar control. But there are things out there that could misinform you, foods that masquerade as healthy but they are not. Ready to bust them? Here we go.
1. English Muffin and Nonfat Yogurt – English muffins are high in carbs even the whole grain ones and yogurt is healthy but only if you choose those that are of full-fat type and unsweetened.
2. Granola – Nuts and whole grains are good but not when loaded with dried fruit and sugar.
3. SMOOTHIE – These are supposed to be good what with yogurt and fruit mixed together but there are lots of sugars in sweetened fruit juice, banana and fruit juice.
4. Low-fat Bran Muffin – This is supposed to be part of a healthy breakfast but when eaten with 1 cup of non-fat red grapes and skim latte, it has a total of 108 carbs.
5. Instant Oatmeal – This is supposed to be a good breakfast but you have to get the right kind like steel cut oats, old fashioned rolled oats and Irish oats.
6. Banana and Bagel – Don’t delude yourself to think that this combo is healthy by opting for a nonfat cream because even the mixed grain or multigrain variety, bagels have full of carbs and lacking in nutrition.
In other words, some foods are not blood sugar friendly yet they look deceptive. For English muffin, choose only the whole grains and just eat half. With yogurt, choose the unsweetened one. Nuts and grains are good in small portions but avoid those with added sugar and dried fruits. Bran muffins are okay if you avoid the super sized ones.
Bagels are deceptive because even if labeled as multi-grain or whole wheat, many have refined flour. Smoothies are okay without the added sugar from bananas and sweetened yogurt. Oatmeal is still fine but opt in for the right kind like the old-fashioned rolled oats.

Does Protein Affect Blood Sugar? Are There Guidelines?

Dr. Richard Bernstein says it is wise for diabetics to pay careful attention to protein consumption especially the complete animal protein. Here are some guidelines:
1. The liver and the kidneys can convert protein to glucose in a long-drawn-out and ineffective manner.
2. Because the conversion is slow, the diabetics may fail to see the elevated blood sugar spikes.
3. The example is that 3 ounces of hamburger patty could be converted into 6.5 g of glucose.
4. Animal proteins like fish, meat, eggs and chicken are around 20% protein by weight.
5. Dr. Bernstein recommends that we be consistent with protein consumption of about 6 ounces for each lunch.
6. His recommendation for non-athletic adults is to consume only 1 – 1.2 g of proteins per kilogram of ideal body weight.
7. The minimum protein intake he therefore recommends for a non-athletic adult who weighs 155 pounds is 11.7 – 14 ounces each day.
8. Of course, it goes without saying that athletes and growing children need more protein.
9. Just remember that each raw ounce of protein foods supplies around 6 g of protein.
10. So on Dr. Bernstein’s eating plan, just choose the amount of protein that will gratify you which is 3 ounces or between 6 and 9 ounces.
11. However, if you have gastroparesis, limit your protein intake in the evening to 2 ounces of cheese, eggs, ground meat or fish and have a larger protein portion at the two earlier meals.

Chocolate and Blood Sugars, Don’t Let This Happen To You!

What? Chocolate and blood sugars? What is it that I don’t want to happen? Well, there was once a lady shopping on Madison Avenue in New York City, when her blood sugar plummeted to the teens. She was desperate and didn’t bring anything to make her blood sugar behave. There were no restaurants around where she could have picked up a soda.
She was desperate as she entered a chocolate store and begged the person at the counter to give her anything and thankfully, the person complied despite her irrational behavior. She was lucky and explained after her blood glucose started to rise. So here is the take away lesson. Always have something in your pocket: a life saver or something.
Here's what you could try: Ultimate Juicing & Smoothie Recipes & Tips - 6th Edition!


There you have it; everything you need to know about blood sugar, at least for now. This is getting too long though so we have to divide this into two parts. But either Part 1 or Part 2, take care of the blood sugar and the diabetes will take care of you as it has done for countless others.
In Part Two we will cover the following topics on blood sugar. How To Wake Up With Better Blood Sugars To Achieve the A1C Goals, New Drug to Lower Blood Sugar Approved By FDA, Dexcom G4 Platinum Continuous Monitoring System Approved for Children, Top 5 Tips to Keep Your Blood Sugar Levels Away from Complication Territory and Diabetes in Children – Blood Sugar Monitoring.

Your Turn

The blood sugar level is so important in keeping complications away so I know you are taking good care at controlling it. Oh sure, we can make mistakes every now and then. We are allowed to make mistakes for we are humans after all. It is not a disgrace to make mistakes but it is a dishonor not to get up and start over.
Roger Guzman, M.D. and Evelyn Guzman
Weird 30-Second Trick Cures Diabetes (You don’t Want to Miss This!) I’m talking about an all-natural, safe and permanent, yes that’s right permanent CURE for diabetes. I’m talking about not just covering up your diabetes symptoms through so called diabetes ‘management’ medications or treatments but tackling the root cause of your diabetes head on. All naturally, all safely, all by following this one of a kind method backed up by solid science.
This exact same secret has even led to the discovery of a simple, seemingly bizarre but highly effective 30 second trick... To instantly increase your insulin sensitivity and energy expenditure, resulting in an immediate drop in blood sugar and rapid weight loss.
Don't Miss Reading These Related Posts.

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2. Article 132 Diabetes in Children - Part 7 Blood Sugar Monitoring We wrote this article sometime ago for Free Symptoms Diabetes Alert but are publishing this again for as part of the Blood Sugar web page.
3. Article 29 Blood Sugar Monitor We wrote this article sometime ago for Free Symptoms Diabetes Alert but are publishing this again for as part of the Blood Sugar web page.
5. Blood Sugar Monitoring System Approved for Children
6. How to Get Your Blood Sugar Under Control
7. Blood Sugar TOP 10 Foods that do NOT affect the blood sugar 721435 share

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Copyright 2014 Roger Guzman, M.D. and Evelyn Guzman All rights reserved.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

What Diabetics Want You to Know


Diabetics find it frustrating to hear things from others who are thoughtless and bothersome when they say things they know nothing about. Many diabetics have felt this way about how ignorant some people are. Some people are just darn rude in making comments without knowing what the diabetics are really going through.

Thank goodness, some diabetics are not concerned too much about this anymore but others still do, so I hope writing this will make others more understanding and compassionate about making comments. It is easy to do so. All you have to do is put yourself in the shoes of the diabetics and you will be more careful what you say. Here are other things the diabetics want you to know.

1. We Feel Bad and We Can’t Tell You Why Because We Don’t Know the Answer.

When you ask me what’s wrong and I say I don’t know, just accept that. Just know that we are not pretending or making it up just to get sympathy. All we know is that we felt it as soon as we woke up and knew we had to take it easy that day. It could mean cancelling plans or staying in bed.

So, please we need you to believe in us. Do not ever think we are exaggerating the pain we feel. Even you saying that we look well is hurtful because that is a veiled denial of how we are actually feeling. Please don’t think we are being very sensitive when we react strongly to criticisms.

We get lonely and scared as to what will happen to us in the future but we know we have to stop thinking this way so we can cope. So instead we ask ourselves what’s bothering us and thought of how we could cope with this. How did we overcome this last time it happened? Did we talk to a doctor or did we ask for any other support?

We thought of how we could go through this bad day. Sometimes we run out of ways to cope and so we just give in. But that’s okay knowing we can’t control everything and we can’t blame ourselves for that. Ah, we know another escape mechanism which would be to just do something we enjoy doing like reading or watching a movie just to take the mind off the bad day.

We think of the big picture which is our life full of fun on the beach. This bad day and even a succession of bad days are just a small part of our life. So instead we force ourselves to be grateful, thankful for all the good days we have. And then we listen to our body and what it needs. Are we working too hard, then we slow down and get rested. You see, if you give us time, we can make the bad day a positive one for we learn to take care of ourselves better.

2. We Don’t Need Criticisms

Please do not criticize our choice of foods unless we asked your help with our diet. Know that we are already trying to control our meals to stabilize our blood sugar but there are always variation and not only from the food. Our medicine cabinet is testament to all things we have to do to achieve that control.

Just understand that there’s more to blood sugar control than food alone. There are dozens of them, hundreds in fact that keep us occupied. And all these can change our blood sugar level, minute by minute, despite all we have to do. So just leave us alone when we want a taste of that piece, a tiny piece of the slice of chocolate cake.

Keep your suggestions on how to fix our illness to yourself. Believe us when we say we have read research after research and all the cures and remedies. If there is one that will solve the situation we would have tried it already or our doctor would have recommended it. So don’t even think it that we caused this illness ourselves.

Good Control - Taking Control of Your Diabetes

3. Sometimes Our Emotions Get To Us

Our blood sugar is not the only thing that goes on a roller coaster ride, our emotions do too. If we get mad at you, it is not us that is doing the talking; it’s the diabetes and the emotional burden it brought to our lives. So please don’t judge us if we are being unreasonable sometimes for our words are not interpreted the right way. Why?

Understand that our moods change. We could be loving and kind one minute and all of a sudden become cold. That is because the illness is taking a toll on the body mind and spirit. Our emotions can go from sadness and anger, feeling let down and depressed. You see, the illness also affects our ability to maintain equilibrium.

It is because we have a chronic illness and we do not feel the same way like everyone else. Sometimes we feel we are not being supported so we feel misunderstood many a time. You say we look fine. This we hope will not lead to a communication breakdown that could affect the relationship. We are stressed enough without having to deal with more problems.

It is not easy for us to communicate our feelings. Sometimes we can’t find the words to describe how we feel about things we can no longer do. It is not comfortable to talk about them anyway so often times we just want to be left alone. We know this is also hard on our loved ones but it is what it is.

4. We Love Getting Your Support

Living with diabetes is not easy. It is a constant struggle every day and you won’t know it when you look at us. Why? Because we force ourselves to smile through the tears to mask the struggle we are going through. The struggle is real for it takes work and time to control the diabetes so support us for we do not want to become the statistics that too many diabetics fall into. So you know how much we need your love and support and we thank you from the bottom of our heart.

Just because you say we look fine, don’t assume we do not have a disability. Not seeing someone in a wheel chair does not mean there is no disability. Disability is sometimes invisible. Though we cannot see it does not mean the unbearable pain, tiredness and weakness do affect our daily life.

Besides, unless you’re living with this illness, you won’t really know what we are going through. We know you try to be understanding but when you say you’re tired too and wake up in pain, then you diminish our suffering. Say it differently like “Poor you, I can’t imagine how you feel.” Statements like that can make us feel better.

Then there is the worry about our loved ones because we need them so. When they are a little bit late coming home from work, we worry so, that is how dependent we are on them. Can you imagine how much harder our life would be without them? We are grateful for them for trying to help and understand us.

5. We Try Hard But Accept That We Can’t Control Everything

We work hard at controlling our blood sugar so please do not lecture us that if only we could control our blood sugar level we would be feeling better. Just know that we prick our fingers every day, sometimes several times a day and we visit our doctor often. Despite this the blood sugar still goes up and down no matter how hard we try.

And you know why? Stress can affect the blood sugar. So do pain and sleep patterns. And even any change in the barometric pressure can cause variations in the blood sugar. So that darn thing could keep wandering around. Even most doctors don’t agree on blood glucose targets and with diabetes treatment for that matter. How can we therefore control everything? How can anyone lecture us on what to do when even our doctors don’t agree on this?

And that machine we use to monitor our blood sugar? Well they are not accurate; they generate either minus or plus 15% of the reading. Why do we put up with this equipment? Actually the diabetes community is working hard to make it better. Meantime we put up with it because it is better than urinating on a strip and tasting it to see if it is sweet. So we accept the fluctuation because it is probably due to the fact fluctuations in blood sugar is normal blood sugar.

6. We Are Afraid What The Future Holds For Us.

We are afraid of getting worse. What will happen to our legs and feet when they hurt so much now? Our eyes are getting dim now too. What will happen if we can no longer see? What kind of future will we have? We don’t want our loved ones to suffer so from our disability. We will hate it so much to be a burden to them.

7. Despite The Pain and the Fear, We Remain Hopeful

We are glad to be hopeful because it helps make the situation better. How much more devastating this illness could be without hope. For one thing, we can deal with the challenges and accept them for what they are. We are also able to deal with our fears by maintaining a positive attitude.

Just like identical twins, no two diabetics are alike. They are not the same from day to day. Even for the same person no two days are alike. It is confusing I know but let us just accept that confusion and keep moving forward.

Just like no two people with diabetes (or pre-diabetes) are alike, neither are any two days for the same person alike. Anyway, we don’t want to accept and known as a sick because we are just as lovable and talented as the next guy. We just have to embrace that chaos and move forward!

Our loved ones give us hope for they are willing to get to know more about this illness. We find comfort in this. Someday we hope the researchers will find a cure for this so no one has to suffer from this. You see, being hopeful makes us feel better already. Being hopeful is empowering. Let us all join hands and hope and pray, a cure will soon be found!


There you are. We have expressed our feelings and feeling better for it. Please just ask me about my diabetes and how I feel. The more we share, the more confident we can become in controlling this disease.

Your Turn

How about you? Have you tried to express your feelings. How did you do it? What did you say? Which ones work well with you? Please, share them with us in the comment box below so we can help all our friends who are suffering from the same situation.

By Roger Guzman, M.D. and Evelyn Guzman

Weird 30-Second Trick Cures Diabetes (You don’t Want to Miss This!)

I’m talking about an all-natural, safe and permanent, yes that’s right permanent CURE for diabetes. I’m talking about not just covering up your diabetes symptoms through so called diabetes ‘management’ medications or treatments but tackling the root cause of your diabetes head on. All naturally, all safely, all by following this one of a kind method backed up by solid science.

This exact same secret has even led to my discovery of a simple, seemingly bizarre but highly effective 30 second trick...

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Copyright 2014 Roger Guzman, M.D. and Evelyn Guzman All rights reserved. Feel free to copy and distribute this provided the names of the authors and links remain the same.

Disclaimer: This is not a medical advice. We are just freely and openly sharing the wisdom of our collected experiences. Bottom line: You still need the professional advice and treatment of a licensed medical professional.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

The Diabetic Foot


The diabetic foot is a form of peripheral neuropathy which is most common type of nerve damage among the diabetes. It comes with so much pain and numbness and sometimes burning feeling to the feet and hands. Peripheral nerves are long that extend from the brain to the legs.

The culprit points to the high blood sugar level that brings damage to these nerves. The symptoms could be severe and usually with tingling in the feet and some burning sensation. There is loss of sensation that eventually put one at risk for foot problems like foot ulcers and infections. About half of the diabetics suffer from diabetic neuropathy.

Here’s a video on Diabetic Foot Examination - OSCE Guide
There can be an improvement as time goes by especially if the cause is treatable. There are medications and tools to use to reduce the pain caused by the diabetic foot like the Rebuilder 300 - Neuropathy Treatment . But make sure to get as much information first.

There will be a lot of issues to cover on this topic. We’ve only just begun with the definition. There are others we have to be concerned about like the symptoms, types, causes, the members of the health care team, the risks, prevention, complications, management and treatment.

We will also cover such things as where to get help or advice, diagnosis and tests, alternative treatment, home remedies and natural cures and of course that good old lifestyle changes. That is where treatment should start: eating healthy foods and moving more.

Damage to the nerves is the most common complication with the accompanying painful sensations. We know how this happens but mostly it is because of the high blood sugar level that is neglected more often than we want to admit.

There are four types of diabetic neuropathy of which we have already discussed the peripheral neuropathy. This is where we are getting a lot of questions on how to deal with this. The other three types are autonomic, focal and proximal.

Proximal neuropathy causes pains in the hips and buttocks which could make the legs weak while focal neuropathy causes weakness in any nerve. How about autonomic neuropathy, you asked? Well, this causes changes to digestion, bowel and bladder function, sexual reaction and to the nerves that affect the eyes, lungs, blood pressure and heart.

We will cover the aforementioned in details from one month to the next but for now let us deal with the diabetic foot. Management of this condition takes many forms. There’s eat healthy, exercise. Stop prolonged pressure and avoid things that cause damage to the nerves.

There is also the daily foot care we must undertake. We have to examine the feet for cuts, blisters, sores, redness and swelling. Call the doctor if some bruise does not heal after a day. Wash your feet with warm water every day but make sure you test the temperature of the water first.

Dry the feet well together with the area between the toes. Using the talcum powder can keep the skin dry. Put lotion or cream on top and the bottom of the feet but not between the toes. Socks and shoes should be worn at all times but not tight ones because these can make the pain worse.

Get some relief for diabetes leg pain. Doctors often give oral medications but there are other treatments. Talk to the members of your health care team for some options. Those who are suffering from severe pain may be get help from a combination of treatment.

Some medications include tricyclic antidepressants like duloxetine, anticonvulsants like pregabalin, and opoids and opoid-like drugs like oxycodone. Pregabalin and duloxetine are FDA approved for painful diabetic peripheral neuropathy.

The trouble with medications is that they have side effects. That is why some are not recommended for people with heart problems. Neither are some over the counter drugs like ibuprofen and acetaminophen recommended as they do not work well and have serious side effects.

Treatments can be applied to the skin like capsaicin cream and lidocaine patches. Researches have shown that nitrate patches for the feet and nitrate sprays may ease the pain. Also alpha-lipoic acid and evening primrose oil have relieved the symptoms.

A bed cradle can also keep the blankets and sheets from touching the sensitive feet and legs. Then there is biofeedback, acupuncture and physical therapy may ease the pain in some. Some forms of treatment involving laser or light therapy, magnetic therapy and electrical stimulation may help.


There you have it, the first lesson on the neuropathy on which the focus is on the diabetic foot. We have covered such areas as the symptoms and cause plus the management and treatment but most of all, we offered some suggestion on how to relieve the pain.

Your Turn

How about you? Have you tried some ways to relieve the pain> Which ones work well with you? Please, share them with us in the comment box below so we can help all our friends who are suffering from this needless pain alone.

By Roger Guzman, M.D. and Evelyn Guzman

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Refresh The Diabetic Foot

See the following for more information: Neuropathy-Diet-Ease-Your-Pain?




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Copyright 2014 Roger Guzman, M.D. and Evelyn Guzman All rights reserved.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Fat Loss Secrets


It is too bad we can’t continue on with the Diabetes Positive Approach Newsletter. There are just not enough people interested in it but I am just as committed to help you better your life with diabetes. So every once in a while, we will be sending you these alerts plus a special topic which in this case a lady doctor who is passionate with Fat Loss Secret. But first let’s get on with the alerts.

Must-Reads from Around the Web

'Bionic Pancreas' Lightens Concerns of Diabetes Patients

Secret Fat Burning Yoga Poses

Clever Ways to Get Diabetes Supplies & Devices to Those in Need

Blood Glucose Monitor Guide

Spend Next to Nothing on Your Diabetes Care

Here’s video on Top 10 Fat Loss Foods Why Are They Mad at This Lady Doctor? What Did She Do Wrong? It's unbelievable but true, quite a few people are mad at this lovely lady doctor. You will be surprised why. But this is the way some people are. When someone discovers something fantastic, then they start finding fault. They just don't want anybody to succeed like this lady doctor did.

I guess by now you are wondering what in heaven's name did this doctor do. You are itching to know why. I don't blame you but you know what? Some of you may even know her because that is how popular she is. In fact, I knew her for sometime now but I just didn't have time to write about her.

Well, I won't let you wait any longer. Her name is Dr Suzanne Gudakunst, and you will know more of her by the end of this page. What did she do, you asked? Well she is just someone who discovered something great, a cure for illness, disease or condition.

What is this cure? Well it is something everyone is looking for, something that will prevent them from getting sick. And that is not all. This discovery may also end obesity in people. Can you believe it? No wonder some are mad at her. They won't be able to sell all those diet things anymore.

Dr. Suzanne was able to zero in on what exactly makes people fat or obese. And not only that. She knows how to stop it on its track. And then she was able to link this to why people get sick making them suffer so and prematurely leave this earth.

You know what they are? They are parasites. Yikes! Apparently some species of these parasites and a goopy plaque that is left in the bowels makes one fat and develop an apple figure complete with a pouch or a beer belly. No wonder even if I don't eat anything after supper and decide to go to bed hungry just so I won't get fat, I still get that pouch!

I am not sick yet but I am not going to wait till that happens because sooner or later, as Dr. Suzanne found, those parasites and goopy plaque are directly linked to more than 99% of all diseases like cancers, arthritis, heart disease and you got it right. Diabetes as well!

Now enter our new best friend, Dr. Suzanne who found a natural remedy that will flush out all these parasites and plaques out to oblivion where they belong. People who use her formula have reported some weight loss of 100 lbs or more.

Those people who lost some weight did so without changing the way they eat. Mind you, please don't give up on eating healthy now! This weight loss is not the only good thing that happened to these people. Their heart disease, even cancer and yes, diabetes too, left without saying goodbye.

Now do you see why some people are mad at this doctor? The people who have stopped getting fat, stopped getting sick, have also stopped buying stuff that was supposed to make them feel better are now healthy and much happier, thank you very much.

So now you probably want to know what this Fat Loss Secret is all about. See it for yourself and you will get as excited as I am. Once you see what she has for you, you will be amazed too. But here’s another one better than that. Try this for a 60-day money-back guarantee to make your dream body a reality. Called THE VENUS FACTOR.

It is the first and only weight loss plan designed to dramatically increase female metabolism and bring out the sexy goddess in you by delivering fast, long term, enjoyable fat loss... ...without restricting the foods you crave most, without working yourself in some death trap contraption, and most certainly WITHOUT working against your body so your fat loss process becomes simple, and even ENJOYABLE.


There you have the fat loss secret everyone has been dreaming about. Thank goodness now it is no longer a secret. You can try all the different ways like eating the right kinds of food shown in the video or for women follow The Venus Factor to make your dream body a reality.

Your Turn

Which one works for you? Please share them with us in the comment box below.

By Roger Guzman, M.D. and Evelyn Guzman

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Copyright 2014 Roger Guzman, M.D. and Evelyn Guzman All rights reserved.

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Diabetes Positive Approach Newsletter #1408 on Heart Healthy Lifestyle

Welcome to Diabetes Positive Approach Newsletter #1408 issue on Heart Healthy Lifestyle. Studies have shown that there is a correlation between diabetes, heart attack and stroke. There are quite a few statistics on the gloom and doom scenario regarding this connection, but we will not dwell on that. Why? Because we will cut them down to size. We will show them we can do it. How? Read on and find out.

By the way before we continue, without your feedback, I cannot go on with this newsletter. It takes hours of work which I don’t mind but without anyone benefiting from this, it will be an exercise of futility. So let me read ten comments from you in the contact form below and I will continue on with this. Otherwise, this will be the last issue. I will just send you alerts from time to time.

In This Issue: All About Heart Healthy Lifestyle”

A healthy lifestyle can help prevent heart disease. If heart disease runs in the family, you can't change that, but there are steps you can take to control the other risk factors like cholesterol, high blood pressure, smoking and central obesity. Despite the dismal statistics for diabetics when it comes to the heart, you can help keep your heart and blood vessels healthy. You can do so by taking the following steps.

1. Eat a heart healthy diet. Have at least 14 grams of fiber every day for every 1,000 calories you eat like oatmeal, oat bran, cereals and whole grain bread, dried beans and peas and fruits and vegetables. Make sure you increase the fiber intake gradually so you will avoid digestive problems.

Have no more than 300 milligrams a day of cholesterol in your diet. They are in meat, eggs and dairy products. Cut down on saturated fats as well, for they raise the blood cholesterol level. Saturated fat is found in poultry skin, dairy products with fat, meats, butter, shortening and lard like palm and coconut oil. Coconut oil has lately been found to be good for us though.

Cut down also on the amount of trans fat as they raise the cholesterol level. Lower your consumption of cookies, cakes, microwave popcorn, fried foods and salad dressings including other foods that are made with partially hydrogenated oil.

Choose healthful meal and snack options to avoid heart disease and its complications. And make sure to eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables.

Eating foods low in saturated fat and cholesterol and high in fiber can help prevent high blood cholesterol. Limiting salt or sodium in your diet can also lower your blood pressure.

2. Keep active by exercising regularly. Being active not only help in maintaining a healthy weight but also it lowers the blood pressure and the unhealthy cholesterol levels. Do you want to know how much exercise should you do to accomplish this? Well, the Surgeon General himself recommends 2 hours and 30 minutes each week of exercise that is of moderate intensity.

Physical activity that is done on a regular basis helps maintain healthy weight, makes bones, joints and muscles stronger and lowers the risk for many diseases. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention is putting into practice a policy with a plan to make eating healthy and being active, more reasonably priced and available for all.

What can you do for you and your family? More and more people walk to better health. Take action for your family. Get everyone to walk with you. More people walk for fun or for transportation, exercise or relaxation or for such activities as walking the dog. Brisk walking, swimming, bicycling and running are aerobic activities that make one breathe harder which in turn makes the heart healthier.

What can you do where you work? Healthy workers are productive workers. There is a guide to put into action in the Physical Activity Guidelines in the workplace. Bring this to the attention of the employer because there are steps to build and sustain physical activity and wellness programs.

What can you do for your community? Find out what the communities can do to make it easier for the residents to be physically active. There is a guide that will help the policy makers and program managers on how to select approaches so the residents in the community can keep physically active.

3. Keep a healthy weight. This is important because being obese and overweight can raise one’s risk for heart disease. Do you want to know if your weight is within the healthy range? Well doctors compute a number that is called BMI or Body Mass Index where you can calculate your BMI which is a dependable indicator of body fatness. I am going to put here a widget for you to use but I am not sure whether that will work so I am also offering you the above link.

Or you can determine your BMI by finding your height and weight in this BMI Index Chart. If your BMI is less than 18.5, you are "underweight" . If your BMI is 18.5 to 24.9, you lucky duck, for you have "normal" or Healthy Weight. If your BMI is 25.0 to 29.9, sorry for you are "overweight". If your BMI is 30.0 or higher, very sorry for you’re within the "obese" range.

Don’t worry though because eating healthy and exercising more will give us normal weight.

4. Quit smoking. Smoking seriously raises the risk for heart disease. The Surgeon General says, “evidence has linked smoking to diseases of nearly all organs of the body.” So don’t start if you don’t smoke, and quit if you’re smoking for this will reduce your risk for heart disease. Your doctor can help you stop smoking.

5. Limit alcohol consumption. Drinking alcohol excessively can lead to health problems like liver diseases, cancer, high blood pressure, violence and injuries. What is excessive alcohol use? It’s 4 or more drinks on an event for women and 5 or more for men. Thank goodness we can get help from CDC's Alcohol and Public Health Web site to overcome this.

Some people don’t know whether they have a drinking problem or not. How do you know if you are one of these people? It’s easy. If your drinking is making you have problem in your relationship, then you have a drinking problem. The same thing is true when you are having problem in schools, in how you feel and think and in social activities. Consult with your health care team if you or someone you know might have this problem.

6. Take low-dose aspirin. Taking this every day can decrease the risk for stroke and heart disease, but talk to your doctor first because this is not for everyone. In fact, the latest news on low-dose aspirin is that FDA Has Reversed Its Position on Daily Aspirin if you haven’t had a heart attack. You don’t believe me? Read this and be surprised!

Here are some important information from that report:

Aspirin May Cover up a Cardiac Event in Progress.

Studies Reveal Aspirin Miserably Failed at Preventing Heart Attacks

Aspirin Tears Down the Lining of Your Gastrointestinal Tract

Aspirin Raises the Risk of Bleeding

When I read that report and it’s from a very reliable source, I was floored. I have been taking the low-dose aspirin for a long time. I knew about the bleeding risk but I was prepared for that if it meant, I won’t suffer from a heart attack. But I suppose we learn as we grow from year to year. That is why it is important to keep track of developments.

But we know there is a better way to avoid heart attack. The key is to address chronic inflammation. And how do we do that? Just do the good old lifestyle changes like healthy diet, regular exercise, sunshine, and grounding. Grounding is basically contact with the earth with bare skin. Let’s go barefoot walking sometimes but take precaution with the diabetic feet.

7. Treat Transient Ischemic attacks (or TIAs) promptly. This is sometimes called mini-stroke and treating this early can prevent stroke in the future. Sudden weakness, blindness on one or both eyes, loss of balance, severe headache, double vision and difficulty speaking are some signs with most going away, likely with no permanent damage. But TIA could be a precursor for a future stroke.

Here’s a video on Diabetes and Heart Disease

2. Must-Reads from Around the Web

Diabetes and Heart Disease

Diet and Exercise Beat Drugs for Diabetes Heart Risks

Diabetes - Dr. Fuhrman

Diabetes care: 10 ways to avoid diabetes complications

Long-Term Complications of Diabetes - KidsHealth

3. “Alerts I Can’t Resist To Send You

If you took Actos You May Be Eligible for Financial Compensation

Report on increased rate of hospitalization for heart failure with use of saxagliptin (marketed as Onglyza and Kombiglyze XR) compared to an inactive treatment.

Despite rosiglitazone's effectiveness at decreasing blood sugar in type 2 diabetes mellitus, its use decreased as studies showed apparent associations with increased risks of heart attacks and death

FDA Warns Statin Users of Memory Loss and Diabetes Risks

Eating breakfast may reduce risk of obesity, diabetes, heart disease

4. A Success Quotation of the Month“

“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.” Winston Churchill

5. Dessert Recipe”

Wacky chocolate cake

6. Some Humour - Let's laugh together at the joke below even if it's not funny. Bakerman said, “Hazardous to illness, humor leads to laughing, smiling, and good feelings” Isn’t that so true? It cannot be denied that laughter and humor can make one feel good. When you come to a difficult situation, laughter can take the edge off of it.

The only trouble is that my jokes are kind of lame so this may be the last issue unless I get ten names in the contact form below. There is no sense spending hours to write this newsletter if nobody is reading it. I will just send alerts or something important to share with you

I Think This is Funny.

Girl: If you’re my husband, I will put poison in your coffee.

Boy: You know what? If you‘re my wife, I will drink it.

7. Do you have a question or comment for the team?

Drop us a line at Put on the subject line “Diabetes Positive Approach” so no one can mistake it as spam. Write your questions or comment there.

You may see your question answered in an upcoming issue of Diabetes Positive Approach like the one below.

7. How Is Stroke Treated?"

Answer: As soon as you know you have stroke, call 911 and get medical help right away. How do you if you have stroke? If you’re suddenly feeling numbness or weakness one side of your body, feeling confused, dizzy, severe headache, being confused suddenly, having trouble walking and talking, having trouble in both eyes or just one but could be having double vision.

So call for help right away in order to prevent permanent damage if you do this within the hour of the occurrence. The doctor will give you tests like neurological examination to check your nervous system, blood tests, x rays, special scans and ultrasound exan. To dissolve the blood clots, the doctor may give you some clot-busting medicine.

Other treatments for stroke includes medications and physical therapy, as well as surgery to repair the damage. Meal planning and physical activity may be part of your ongoing care. In addition, you may need medications to lower your blood glucose, blood pressure, and cholesterol and to prevent blood clots. 8. Got something to say? Please write down your questions and comments in Facebook.

Just go to the Just copy and paste that on your browser. Facebook will want you to join me first before you can send me a message.


Now that we know more about glycemic index, we feel good because the next step will be easier but not for the crowd we left behind for they do not belong to our exclusive group. No matter what happens now, know that you are not alone for many of us have gone through failures and frustrations. The only thing we ask of you is to set a good example for others. Then no one will have to set the rules for us.

Your Turn

How about you? Do you know more about glycemic index? Please share them with us in the comment box below or at the email address below the authors‘ names. If my host will agree, I will publish it here with your name as the contributor.

Warm Regards,

Roger and Evelyn Guzman

Here’s a guy who does not believe in Glycemic Index. Instead, he believes in a solution called 4 Cycle Fat Loss Solution. He said Until You Discover Exactly HOW To Eat High Carb Foods The RIGHT Way, You’ll NEVER Burn Off “Stubborn” Belly Fat.

Today’s diet industry relentlessly markets dangerous low-carb plans that can cause chronic "Metabolic Damage" and SLOW DOWN Your Metabolism. The High Carb foods you THINK you need to avoid actually burn WAY MORE fat than all the low carb health foods you eat everyday.

But do you really think lean and healthy people, like the Japanese, obsess over choosing low glycemic foods, counting calories and carb grams? Absolutely not. Here is the link again. 4 Cycle Fat Loss Solutiona>.

Have More Fruits and Vegetables for a Healthy Lifestyle!

Did you like this newsletter? If so, please recommend it to your friends. If you have any questions or tips, please leave a comment at Just copy and paste that on your browser. Facebook will want you to join me first before you can send me a message.

Remember that all these are for your information only. They do not take the place of the treatment and advice of health care professionals. You should continue to consult and work with them.

Please get permission if you want to publish this. Also, this newsletter disclaims all responsibility for any product mentioned. Please do not rely on the newsletter having examined or endorsed any product unless the author clearly said it. You are advised to exercise due diligence before buying.

Know somebody who'd like to read this? Please forward it to your family, friends, coworkers, and anyone else that you think might need or enjoy it. Thank you for your help and support.


CDC's Alcohol and Public Health Web site

BMI Index Chart

This newsletter is copyright 2014 Roger Guzman, M.D.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Diabetes Positive Approach Newsletter #1407 on Glycemic Index

Welcome to Diabetes Positive Approach Newsletter #1407 issue on Glycemic Index. They say looking for glycemic symbol GI is the easiest way to find healthy food. And the diabetics are big on eating healthy, right? So let us put in our best honest and consistent effort in learning about this all important topic. For it is true, if we take care of the diabetes, the healthier we will be.

In This Issue: All About Glycemic Index"

What is Glycemic Index?

The Glycemic Index or (GI) is a scale from 0 to 100 that ranks foods rich in carbohydrate based on how much they raise the blood sugar level compared to a standard food like white bread or glucose. Why do they compare foods with white bread or glucose? They have a GI rating of 100, that is why. They raise the blood sugar faster and higher than other foods.

This is where we come in. We’ve got to know more about glycemic index because it helps us choose healthy foods. It is one way we can manage our blood sugar level. The Glycemic Index rates foods that are mostly made of carbohydrate like yogurt, grain products, milk, fruit, legumes and other vegetables that are starchy.

Most other vegetables are not ranked and so are poultry, nuts, fish, cheese and seeds. GI only rates foods and beverages that contain carbs. The Glycemic Index gives scores to foods according to how they affect the blood sugar level. Here are some examples of foods and their GI scores.

Low GI Foods with scores of 55 and less - Oat bran, oatmeal steel-cut or rolled, converted rice, pasta, barley, pumpernickel or 100% stone-ground whole wheat bread, raw carrots and apple, peanuts, peas, grapefruit, skim milk, kidney beans and lentils, sweet potato, yam, lima/butter beans, most fruits and non-starchy vegetables.

Medium GI Foods with scores of 56 - 69 - Quick oats, rye, whole wheat and pita bread, couscous, brown, basmati or wild rice, raw pineapple, bananas, sweet corn, certain types of ice cream, and raisins.

High GI Foods with scores of 70 - up - Melons, russet potato, pumpkin, corn flakes, bran flakes, instant oatmeal, puffed rice, pretzels, popcorn, rice cakes, saltine crackers, bagel, white plain bread, macaroni and cheese from mix, short grain rice, rice pasta, instant white rice, boiled red potatoes with skin, white baked potato without skin and watermelon.

What Factors Change or Affect the GI of a Food?

Processing generally gives foods a higher ranking in the GI scale. For examples: A baked potato has a lower GI than mashed potatoes. A whole fruit has a lower GI than juice and a whole wheat bread has a higher GI than the stone ground whole wheat one.

Cooking can also change the food’s GI. The longer the food is cooked, the higher the GI gets as in the soft-cooked pasta getting a higher GI rank than the al dente pasta.

Type of food can also affect the GI rating. Short-grain rice has a higher GI than brown rice but brown rice has a higher GI than the converted long-grain white rice.

The ripeness and storage time also affect the GI rating of any given food. The riper the banana is, so is the GI rank.

Fat and fiber also have a tendency to lower the glycemic Index rating of a food. Ah, fat has been demonized for the longest time and now we are supposed to eat healthy fat. In our home, we avoided butter and opted for margarine which is now deemed undesirable so back to butter we go!

What Benefit Do I Get from Eating Foods with a Low Glycemic Index?

People with diabetes may find that eating foods that have lower Glycemic Index rating, helpful. Those who are at risk of developing diabetes may avoid it by eating lower GI foods. Research has had findings that eating mostly high GI foods increases the risk of getting diabetes so to prevent this from happening, choose more low GI foods.

It is wise to eat foods that have lower GI scores for those without and with diabetes. Here is why:

Foods with lower GI ratings raise the blood sugar slowly which is good for improving the blood glucose level after a meal. It is clear then that doing so can help control the blood sugar level.

They may also improve and control the cholesterol level thus helping prevent heart disease.

Lower GI foods are often high in fiber which can help one feel full which therefore helps control the appetite and lose or maintain weight.

For our non-diabetic friends, lower GI foods may lessen the risk to develop diabetes.

If you need help in choosing low GI foods call a Registered dietitian at 1-877-510-510-2 or send an email to

People who decide to follow the glycemic index diet do so because they want to change their eating habits or go on low-carb diet. In addition to wanting to change their blood sugar imbalances, they also want to go on a diet that they can stick to for a long time but please check with your doctor just in case you have health conditions that may not be good for any change.

Glycemic Index and Diabetes, What's the Connection?

A GI food that is ranked high makes the blood sugar level go up higher than the GI food that is rated medium or low. Therefore if you choose food that is rated high in the Glycemic Index, pair it with one that is rated medium or low. That will certainly help balance the meal. The GI is some kind of a weight loss system based on the blood sugar level.

In fact, the Glycemic Index was developed to help with the blood sugar control. That was the original plan anyway. It categorizes the foods that contain carbohydrates based on their potential to raise the blood sugar level. Who knows what they will come up next? Remember the food pyramid? They say it was a mistake, can you believe it?

And remember when we were told to give up fats? Now they are recapitulating and telling us to eat healthy fats. You can’t really blame anybody for this for things are always evolving. It is up to us to be on our toes. And that is what I am here for. I will be your personal detective checking out on changes that could impact our health.

Supporters of the low GI diet say that high blood sugar levels are connected to all kinds of health problems: obesity, heart disease and diabetes. They say that following the low GI diet can lead to weight loss and prevention of diseases. The evidence though has been mixed and it is said that eating healthy and exercising regularly will achieve the same result.

But let's review some blood sugar basics. The main source of energy for the cells is sugar. This comes from the carbs in the food that we eat. The carbohydrate is broken down and converted into sugar which enters the blood stream to provide energy. The extra is stored in the liver and muscles in a form called glycogen.

Insulin moves the sugar from the blood to the cells when the blood sugar level is high. And when it is low, the glycogen kicks in, releasing the sugar stored in the liver. This keeps the body with enough fuel for energy and makes sure the blood sugar is naturally balanced.

The trouble is that some food interrupts this natural balance producing high spikes in the blood sugar level making the body unable to respond accordingly leading to insulin resistance. This insulin resistance is linked to some health problems like obesity, type 2 diabetes, stroke, high blood pressure, high cholesterol level and heart disease.

Glycemic Index Diet and Weight Loss

The proponents of the glycemic index diet say that one will lose weight because the low GI foods will make one feel full longer and balance the blood sugar. And this is without having to count the carbs and calories but the researches have shown mixed findings. It has been found that there is little difference between eating low and high GI foods.

Yet other studies found one may more likely lose weight on the GI diet versus the traditional one because it is easier to stick to the former. Why? Because it is not a restrictive diet. There is some evidence to show that a diet of higher protein and low GI foods may lead to sustained weight loss. This can lower the risk of serious diseases like diabetes and heart disease.

It is also suggested that the weight loss is due to choosing more protein and fiber that makes one eat less and lower the portion size. We have to remember that sometimes we can’t see the forest for the trees. One thing for sure, weight loss from any diet improves the blood glucose control.

The trouble is the GI gives low rating to some foods that are less healthy when the fact of the matter is they have more calories, saturated fat or sugar like ice cream and potato chips. These two items have lower glycemic index rating than baked potato and we know which is considered healthier. So what we can take away from this is to be careful with the food we choose.

Meal Planning Ideas

The Glycemic Index is not a diet of low carbohydrate. Why? Because we do not have to count the carbohydrates. Neither us it a low fat diet. We do not have to count our calorie consumption nor measure our portion sizes, thank heavens for small mercies. But I have a question if it is neither this nor that, what is it then? Well, the Glycemic Index is used as a guide for meal planning.

Here are some ideas using the Glycemic Index as a guide to yet you started:

Make each meal by choosing foods in the low and medium GI. Lentils and barley have low scores.

Eat fruits and vegetables and drink milk. All three have high carbohydrate content but they have low rating,

Add protein and some healthy fats to balance the meal.

Meat alternatives like lentils and chickpeas have low GI scores yet they have high fiber and are low in fat.

Unless overcooked, pastas are generally low or medium GI.

Here’s a challenge for you:: Two hours after eating a low food GI, measure your blood sugar level. Then do the same after eating a high GI food and compare the two readings.

High GI food is not advisable. They are often digested quickly not only causing a spike on the blood sugar level but also the high is followed quickly by the low creating a roller coaster scenario.

If you have a problem, consult with a dietitian who can help incorporate GI foods in your meal plan and adapt recipes.

The low GI food consumption are absorbed more slowly and stays longer in the digestive tract. No wonder they are sometimes called slow carbs which help control the appetite, weight and balances the blood sugar level. That is what I call a triple threat against insulin resistance.

Choose cereals based on barley oats and bran or breads with whole grains.

Eat lots of fruits and vegetables but fewer potatoes. Also avoid oversized portion of noodles, pasta and rice.

Breakfast Meals with Low GI Foods

Boiled egg , ½ cup (125 mL) cherries and a slice of multigrain toast

Oat bran cereal with low-fat milk and berries

Stone-ground wheat toast, sliced apple and low-fat cream cheese

Homemade granola made with large-flake rolled oats and yogurt

Smoothie made with yogurt, low-fat milk, and berries

Low-fat bran muffin and 1/2 cup (125 mL) strawberries

A slice of reduced-fat cheese and whole grain pumpernickel bread with an orange

Lunch Meals with Low GI Foods

Pumpernickel roll, lentil soup and an orange

Multigrain roll and leafy green salad with grilled chicken

Yogurt and strawberries and Minestrone soup

Whole grain bread and green salad with mixed beans and low-fat dressing

Vegetable barley soup and grilled ham, cheese and tomato sandwich on sourdough bread

Raw vegetables and dip, tuna or salmon salad sandwich on stone-ground whole wheat bread

Tossed salad and whole wheat pita with hummus

Dinner Meal Recipes with Low GI Foods

Baked Tofu with Braised Baby Bok Choy - Our daughter loves this vegetarian meal. The tofu provides a good portion of the day’s protein needs.

Chicken Burgers with Tomato Relish - Grill this outdoor or indoor brushed with coconut oil or Extra Virgin Olive Oil.

Pork Cutlets with Mushrooms - You can easily add more whole grain with your meal if you use whole wheat bread crumbs on these pork cutlets. Steam new potatoes to serve with this.

Grilled Trattoria Chicken - Serve this with spinach salads or with arugula or Swiss chard and you will meet the daily requirement to eat more greens.

Roasted Red Pepper and Zucchini Soup - Low- GI beans with high fiber can make this main - course soup.

Turkey Burritos - This is nicely spiced with the added flavour of a small amount of cheese on top. Serve with spinach salad.

Salmon with Lentil Pilaf - The lentils will add fiber to your diet and it’s very convenient to use since you don’t need to soak them.

If you want me to send you any of the recipes above, just say so in the contact form below.

The Bottom Line

The Glycemic Index is just a tool that can help manage the blood sugar level. As such, it should not take the place of a good management plan that should include monitoring the blood sugar level often and regular exercise. Check with your diabetes care team on how you can incorporate the GI in your diabetes care plan. More importantly, if what you are doing now is working, let sleeping dogs lie.

The Glycemic Index tells the type of carbohydrate but not the amount eaten. Portion sizes are still important though for losing or maintaining weight and for blood sugar control. Besides the GI of a food is not the same when eaten alone or in combination with other foods. That said, combine the high GI food with low ones to balance out the outcome on the blood sugar level.

What bothers me a bit is that some healthy foods have higher GI score than the less nutritious ones. In this regard, oatmeal comes to mind. It has higher GI score than chocolate for example. So it is wise to remember the principle of good nutrition regarding variety and moderate consumption of less nutritious food.

There has not been any report on the risk to follow the glycemic diet but I guess if you select plenty of low GI foods that contain a lot of calories, saturated fat and sugar then you may be in for a rude awakening - health problems that we are trying to avoid. Therefore take care to consider that the glycemic index ranks foods in isolation and the truth of the matter is how the body handles carbs depends on a lot of factors.

To count or not to count carbohydrate, that is the question. There is no such thing as a diet plan that fits all, Stick to something that is tailored to your needs and just use the GI to fine tune what is working for you now especially research has shown that the first tool to manage the blood sugar level is some kind of counting carbohydrate.

Here’s a video on Glycemic Index

2. Must-Reads from Around the Web

What is the Glycemic Index?

Glycemic Index

The Glycemic Index Diet

The Glycemic Index Load for 100 Foods

The Glycemic Index Concept

3. “Alerts I Can’t Resist To Send You

Talking About the Glycemic Index

Does Diet Really Affect Acne?

How the Glycemic Index Can Protect Your Eyesight

The Glycemic Index is Bunk

Glycemic Index Diets Risks and Precautions

4. A Success Quotation of the Month“

“To insure good health: eat lightly, breathe deeply, live moderately, cultivate cheerfulness, and maintain an interest in life.” William Londen

5. Dessert Recipe”

Spiced Carrot Raisin Bread

6. Some Humour - Let's laugh together at the joke below even if it's not funny. Did you know laughter can BOOST IMMUNITY? Researchers conducted a study of 18 adolescents. They did it in collaboration with UCLA. Do you know what they found? The study revealed that people who watched humorous programming had a greater tolerance to pain. The only trouble is that my jokes are kind of lame so if you have funny ones or even if they are not funny, I will feature them in the next issues with your name on it! How is that for a bribe?

The Teacher Got It.

Teacher: Verb is an action word. Give me an example.

Johnny: Went, Ma’am..

Teacher: That‘s right. Now use it in a sentence.

Johnny: Mary Go went to town.

Teacher: Wrong, don’t put go and went together.

Johnny: But Ma’am, Go is Mary’s family name.

7. Do you have a question or comment for the team?

Drop us a line at Put on the subject line “Diabetes Positive Approach” so no one can mistake it as spam. Write your questions or comment there.

You may see your question answered in an upcoming issue of Diabetes Positive Approach like the one below.

7. If I eat foods with a low Glycemic Index can I eat as much as I want?"

Answer: No, the Glycemic Index is only a part of the management plan on healthy eating. Eating healthy means choosing an assortment of foods from all food groups. It also means eating at regular times. Limiting salt, sugar and sweets is part of healthy eating. So is reducing the amount you eat by having the correct portion sizes. And don’t forget the fiber.

Remember also to check the blood sugar level before the meal and two hours after eating, This is the way to determine how the food affects the body so you can make any necessary adjustment. If you use the Glycemic Index, choose those which have low to medium scores, but check whether those foods contain, sugar and saturated fats.

8. Got something to say? Please write down your questions and comments in Facebook.

Just go to the Just copy and paste that on your browser. Facebook will want you to join me first before you can send me a message.


Now that we know more about glycemic index, we feel good knowing the next step will be easier but not for the crowd we left behind for they do not belong to our exclusive group. No matter what happens now, know that you are not alone for many of us have gone through failures and frustrations. The only thing we ask of you is to set a good example for others. Then no one will have to set the rules for us.

Your Turn

How about you? Do you know more about glycemic index? Please share them with us in the comment box below or at the email address below the authors‘ names. If my host will agree, I will publish it here with your name as the contributor.

Warm Regards,

Roger and Evelyn Guzman

Here’s a guy who does not believe in Glycemic Index. Instead, he believes in a solution called 4 Cycle Fat Loss Solution. He said Until You Discover Exactly HOW To Eat High Carb Foods The RIGHT Way, You’ll NEVER Burn Off “Stubborn” Belly Fat.

Today’s diet industry relentlessly markets dangerous low-carb plans that can cause chronic "Metabolic Damage" and SLOW DOWN Your Metabolism. The High Carb foods you THINK you need to avoid actually burn WAY MORE fat than all the low carb health foods you eat everyday.

But do you really think lean and healthy people, like the Japanese, obsess over choosing low glycemic foods, counting calories and carb grams? Absolutely not. Here is the link again. 4 Cycle Fat Loss Solutiona>.


The GI Diet Made Easy

The Glycemic Index

Glycemic Index Diet

Glycemic Index and Diabetes

Getting to Know the Glycemic Index

Monday, June 16, 2014

Diabetes Positive Approach Newsletter #1406 on Healthy Feet

Welcome to Diabetes Positive Approach Newsletter #1406 issue on healthy feet. Keeping feet healthy is a must for the diabetics in order to avoid complications so I devote all this issue for that topic which we think is a problem but I call it a challenge one can face square on and solve. Remove the symptom and solve the problem, isn’t that right? We will not worry about this because we have a healthy self-image. We will accept it for what it is and move on from there.

In This Issue: “Keep Your Feet Healthy To Avoid Complications"

Diabetes can put one at risk to develop nerve damage which leads to lost feeling in the feet. Because of this, one may not be able to feel the pain from cuts and blisters. This in turn can lead to foot injuries that could cause infections and ulcers. We all know that high blood glucose levels can over time lead to nerve damage. That is why, it is imperative that we keep the glucose level under tight control.

How to Avoid Foot Problems and Two Things to Remember

The First Thing is Blood Sugar Control

First off the bat is to control the blood sugar. We all know how to control the blood sugar but let‘s refresh our memory. Eating healthy, moving more and maintaining the correct weight should be the focus to control the blood sugar. The guideline now is to achieve less than 7% HbAIC level which matches up to the average blood sugar level below 154 mg/dL

The recommendation is also to try for fasting blood sugar of less than 131 mg.dL and below 180 mg/dL for peak after-meals reading. Do remember however there is no such thing as one size fits all so these figures can be adjusted according the individual needs. It is a challenge but it can be done. If we attend to the 3 M’s of moving more, medication and monitoring along with eating healthy, things should be fine.

The Second Thing is Good Foot Hygiene

Inspect your feet every day for sores, blisters and such. If you don’t find it easy to reach your feet, use a hand mirror and put it on the floor if it’s difficult to hold or request someone for help.

Wash your feet daily in lukewarm water. Dry them gently including between the toes.

Use lotion or moisturizing cream on the bottom and top of your feet to keep the skin smooth and soft.

Rub the skin gently with a pumice stone where calluses form easily. Smooth these and corns gently. Don’t try to remove them and other foot lesions yourself. Avoid more injury to the skin by not using scissors, nail clipper or nail file. Don’t use wart removers either. Consult your doctor or podiatrist on removing these lesions.

Trim your toenails straight carefully and regularly with the help of a caregiver or the podiatrist if you cannot do them yourself.

Wear shoes and socks at all times and don‘t go barefoot even at home. It is important to wear the right type of shoes that are made of canvas, leather or suede instead of those made of plastic and other materials that do not breathe. Wear comfortable shoes that perfectly fit with more room and provide cushioning and support for the feet. Get shoes with Velcro, laces or buckles that you can easily adjust.

Avoid high heels, sandals and flip flops and those with pointed toes and narrow shoes that crowd the toes. If one foot is larger than the other, get shoes that are one size larger. Speaking of these, the doctor may recommend orthopedic shoes that are especially designed to fit the shape of your feet exactly and evenly allocate weight on the feet and cushion them at the same time.

As for socks, wear clean dry ones that are made of fibers that pull sweat away from the skin like cotton and definitely not nylon. Don’t wear ones with tight elastic bands that impede the circulation. Neither should you wear bulky and thick socks that irritate the skin.

Protect your feet from hot and cold.

Keep the blood flowing to your feet.

Sprinkle talcum powder or cornstarch between your toes to keep the skin dry.

Quit smoking for this impairs circulation and lowers the amount of oxygen in the blood which can lead to circulatory problems that can increase the risk to develop more severe wounds that heal poorly.

Have regular foot checkups at least once a year so the doctor or podiatrist can inspect and see the early signs of foot problems.

Take foot problems seriously. If a foot sore does not heal in a few days, contact the doctor real quick as he will examine the problem, diagnose it and prescribe a course of action to treat the problem.

Here’s a video on Peripheral Neuropathy

2. Must-Reads from Around the Web

Prevent Diabetes Problems

Foot Complications

How Diabetes Affects the Feet

Diabetes, Foot Care and Foot Ulcers

3. “Alerts I Can’t Resist To Send You

Illegally Sold Diabetes Treatments!

FDA Cracks Down on Diabetes Marketing

FDA Cracks Down on Illegal Diabetes Drugs

FDA Cracks Down on Illegal Diabetes Remedies

FDA Targets Companies Marketing Bogus, Unapproved Diabetes Treatments

4. A Success Quotation of the Month“

“Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas Edison

5. Dessert Recipe”

Fruit Cake

6. Some Humour - Let's laugh together at the joke below even if it's not funny. You see, I believe in the healing power of laughter. As Comedian David Nathan said, “Laughter is part of the human survival kit.” I also believe that laughter is the best medicine. It keeps one in the proper mood to do the best to keep better. The only trouble is that my jokes are kind of lame so if you have funny ones or even if they are not funny, I will feature them in the next issues with your name on it! How is that for a bribe?

Robot Slaps the Liar Again

Father bought a robot that slaps anyone who lies so he tried it out on his son.

Father: Where were you last night?

Son: I was at the library researching my assignment.

Robot slaps the son.

Son: Oh, okay I was at a friend’s house watching the game of soccer.

Robot slaps the son.

Son: Oh, okay I was watching porn.

Father: What? When I was your age I didn’t know about porn.

Robot slaps father.

Mother: He’s certainly your son!

Robot slaps mother.

7. Do you have a question or comment for the team?

Drop us a line at Put on the subject line “Diabetes Positive Approach” so no one can mistake it as spam. Write your questions or comment there.

You may see your question answered in an upcoming issue of Diabetes Positive Approach like the one below.

7. How About If I Get Foot Ulcer?"

Answer: That‘s quite a wide-ranging question so I will answer that as completely as possible on all you need to know about foot ulcer. Anyway, diabetes increases the risk to develop foot ulcers and it is the most common reason why the PWD get to be admitted in the hospital. Though often painless, foot ulcers take so much time to heal - weeks or months even. That is why whether we have it now or not, we have to know what to do to take care of our feet.
  • Debridement

    So, what happens when we do get foot ulcer? At the hospital, the doctor or nurse removes the dead skin and tissue in order to see the foot ulcer. The process is called debridement and there are different ways to do this. One way is with the use of scalpel and special scissors. The nurse cleans and disinfects the skin around the wound.

    The nurse uses a metal instrument to determine how deep it is and to find out if there are foreign objects lurking around there. He then cuts away the dead tissue and washes out the ulcer. At this point after the nurse debrides the wound, the red or pink ulcer will appear bigger and deeper.

    Here are the other ways to remove the infected or dead tissue:

    1. Use a catheter and a syringe to remove and wash away the dead tissue.

    2. Put the foot in a whirlpool bath.

    3. Apply enzymes, a special chemical, on the ulcer that will dissolve the dead tissue from the wound.

    4. Put wet-to-dry dressings to the wound to pull off the dead tissue.

    Taking Pressure off Your Foot Ulcer

    It is crucial to take the pressure off the foot ulcer as too much pressure on a particular foot is what partially causes foot ulcer. Make sure to wear shoes that do not put too much pressure on the foot and over the ulcer too. The doctor may recommend for you to wear special shoes or a special cast or brace. You may even have to use crutches or a wheel chair to take the pressure off the ulcer. This will help heal the foot ulcer faster.

    Taking Care of the Wound

    Now you may be asking what you have to do to take care of the wound. Here they are:

    Take fewer steps at home to keep the pressure off the ulcer.

    Clean the wound every day with the use of bandage or dressing.

    Keep the ulcer clean and bandaged.

    Walk in your shoes and not barefoot unless the doctor gives you the go-ahead signal.

    Maintain a tight control of the blood sugar level.

    Using Different Kinds of Dressings to Treat the Ulcer

    Use wet-to-dry dressings first. There are other types of dressings like skin substitutes and dressing that contains growth factors or calcium alginates. What to do is just apply a wet dressing to the wound. Make sure you keep the dressing and the skin area around it dry. We don’t want the healthy tissue to get too wet from the dressing we apply. Why? This will make the healthy tissue soft and may lead to more problems.

    When the dressing dries up, it soaks up wound material. Some of this tissue comes off with the dressing when you remove it. Ask your doctor or your health care team how frequently you have to change the dressing. You may be able to change the dressing yourself or a family member or friend may be able to help you. A visiting nurse can also help.

    Should You Call The Doctor? If So, When?

    The following are the signs that will tell you when you call the doctor.

    Firmness around the wound is increased.

    The pain has also increased.

    There is pus.

    There is swelling around the wound, redness has appeared and warmth increased.

    You can smell odor from the wound.

    There is extra drainage.

    You feel chills and fever.

    The foot ulcer has turned very white, blue or black.

    8. Got something to say? Please write down your questions and comments in Facebook.

    Just go to the Just copy and paste that on your browser. Facebook will want you to join me first before you can send me a message.


    There you have the facts on how to take care of the feet to avoid complications. The choice is ours to make. This is something we have to accept. Nobody else can do this for us. But remember this, whatever your choice is, I will be here rooting for you, praying for you because sometimes no matter how hard we try, things just do not go the way we want it to. Do not let other people make you feel inferior because of this. No matter what happens, you are good, good till the very end.

    Your Turn

    How about you? What works well for you? Let us know at the email address below the authors’ names.

    Warm Regards,

    Roger and Evelyn Guzman

    Want to know How to End Chronic Peripheral Neuropathy & Diabetic Nerve Pain Without Drugs, Surgery or Guesswork? Find out from this doctor about The Neuropathy Solution Program. This is what Dr. Randall C. Labrum says of this extraordinary solution: My Self-Treatment Program Provides a Simple, PROVEN Solution.  And Yes, It Is Guaranteed.

    Here is some of what has been proven about this extraordinary Solution in my clinical work, through its many successful home users, and in indeed in my own case:

    • It works time and time again. Virtually without fail.
    • Works regardless of your age, background, ethnicity or gender.
    • Resolves chronic peripheral neuropathy & diabetic nerve pain in both the feet & legs and hands & arms.
    • Is very often permanent because it corrects your pain at the source by restoring damaged peripheral nerve endings.
    • Works whether your PN results from diabetes, chemotherapy, hypertension, or the process of ageing.
    • Works for Peripheral Neuropathy as a result of almost any other major causative factor or factors.
    • Is effective even if you are currently using prescription  meds or other protocols to control your PN symptoms.
    • Can be used effectively after neuropathy surgery, even in cases where neuropathy surgery has failed.
    • Is is so simple that anyone can do it, and when done correctly the results can often be felt immediately.
    As a retired clinician with over 35 years of experience my heart goes out to all neuropathy sufferers.  If you are one of them, I'm fairly certain I know what you're going through right now.  I feel for you.  I honestly do.

    One of things that pains me most in fact, is how so many sufferers like you end up completely capitulating all semblance of their former lives to Peripheral Neuropathy. ...Especially when a ready, proven Solution exists but isn't used only because the sufferer knows not where to find it. Here is the link again. The Neuropathy Solution Program.


    American Diabetes Association. Standards of medical care in diabetes -- 2012. Diabetes Care. 2012 Jan;35 Suppl 1:S11-63.

    Inzuchi SE, Sherwin RS. Type 2 diabetes mellitus. In: Goldman L, Schafer AI, eds. Cecil Medicine. 24th ed. Saunders; 2011:chap 237.

    Leg and Foot Amputation.

    Take Care of Your Feet for a Lifetime - a booklet for people with diabetes. Download this for free.

    Diabetes Foot Ulcer.

    Diabetes Blood Sugar

    Diabetic Foot

    Copyright 2014 Roger Guzman, M.D. and Evelyn Guzman All rights reserved.