There really is a good tool to help choose foods that are good for diabetes. And it is good for tracking the meals. What it does is calculate the food score and then you can easily find recipes, menu plans and meals in restaurants that will suit your particular needs and will be better for your blood sugar. You will find this tool at
They say Thrive 345 will make you fall in love with food again. How will this tool do it? By simplifying the process. The complicated way of tracking what we eat will soon be over because this tool will do the counting for us. We will be able to meet head on the challenge of eating right.
Don’t let diabetes take away your enjoyment when eating out. With the help of this tool, you will have control over what are your choices to eat before you even arrive at the restaurant. You can select the food you want to order in the menu. Then thrive 365 will score the items to check out if they fit your particular needs.
You will be able to choose what foods to eat on your way to the restaurant. You will be able to choose nutritious foods that are good for your blood sugar. Can you see how this will expand your selection of foods? You will be in the driver’s seat as you will have full control on what to eat.
This tool consists of two parts. The food scores will help you select the nutritious foods that are right for you. The beauty of this is that you can make the right selection whether you are at home, in the restaurants or at the grocery store. This is great because now I don’t have to bring a calculator as well.
Mind you, my ipod has a calculator so that helped me a lot because then I don’t have to dig it out of my purse while keeping an eye on people with evil intention of taking a photo under your skirt. What they can get out of that is beyond my understanding. But you still have to watch for that and other shenanigans as well. Hmm, may be those people should get diabetes so they can make better use of their time.
Thrive 365 I think also has Healthy Eating Guidelines that will help us balance the nutrients in our meals. They have patented this food scoring system. It is designed particularly for type 2 diabetics who are not dependent on insulin. I don’t know why the type 1s will not benefit from this either but they have it in mind. I can’t wait to get my hands on this but they are still on beta. But I am so excited over it that I just had to report it to you.
Being in beta is not a bad thing. That only means there are still features that are under development. I wish windows would be on beta longer whenever a new one comes around so I don’t have to squash some bugs. That happens to me a number of times whenever I buy a new computer and it always comes with a new window.
I always prefer the old window because we have already developed a rapport and so we kind of understand each other. Not with the new window. It does not like me and I don’t like it and many a time I have had to report why something does not work on my computer with the new window. Has that ever happened to you? Or is it just me being so technologically challenged?
Sorry to digress, but Thrive 365 consists of two key parts: food scores to help you make better food choices at restaurants, at home and at the grocery store and Healthy Eating Guidelines to help you balance the nutrients in your meals. It is a patented food scoring system designed specifically for Type 2 diabetic people who are not dependent on insulin.
Physical activity is a good partner to nutrition and you can keep track with this with the help of Thrive 365. Of course the first step is good nutrition. Then comes the next step which is physical activity. In this connection, Thrive 365 can keep track of the blood sugar, the exercise and the score. You will be well informed of your progress in both the eating and physical activity departments.
There are some quotations there that I like:
“An early morning walk is a blessing for the whole day.” Henry David Thoreau
“Food is for eating and good food is to be enjoyed.” Della Smith
“One cannot think well, love well, sleep well if one has not dined well.” Virginia Woolf
“There is no love sincerer than the love of food.” Bernard Shaw Now this one I don’t believe much because of an experiment that has nothing to do with this report but I just love to share it with you. If you put your wife and your dog inside the trunk of your car, and after awhile, you open the trunk, who do you think will jump up and down in joy at the sight of you? I rest my case.
Research to make Thrive365 available costs over $10 million dollars. Developed by over 300 nutritionists who specialized in diabetes, they assessed what foods are most advantageous to the diabetics although this has not been studied with the type 1s but they have this in mind as well. Developed for your body type, this food scoring system is customized to make certain you have good nutrition for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
The thrive 365 is available at the website mentioned above and you, iPhone fanatics, will celebrate. Why? It is because your iPhone can scan the UPC code on selected food items at the supermarket and then the iPhone mobile application will automatically upload the scores. How cool is that!
Then just when you think everything in honky dory, it gives you an eye-popping revelation. It is integrated with the blood glucose meter called Telcare to track blood sugar automatically and of course, exercise cannot be left behind, heaven forbid. It is also integrated with Fitbit to track exercise automatically as well. Now I hate to think how much will all of these cost.
By Roger Guzman, M.D. and Evelyn Guzman
Check this out! Eating Healthy at Lean University with Dr. Forsythe
Listen to what Dr. Forsythe: "Isn’t it time that you took control of your nutrition? Stop wasting your time and money on bogus programs, pills and powders. Make the decision to finally invest in yourself for lifelong results. Enroll in My Lean University today. Nutrition Coaching Program Delivered By Dr. Cassandra Forsythe. This Course Covers Everything You Need To Know. Lesson 5 is on Carbohydrate Foods: What, When, Who and Why. And there's a 60 Day 100% Money Back Guarantee.
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Monday, December 16, 2013
Saturday, November 16, 2013
What Happens If You Lose Your Diabetes Device?
What happens when you lose that most important diabetes gear on your way to the country? Well it happened to someone when the clip of that Continuous Glucose Monitoring device gave way and went flying away never to be found again. That was sometime ago. Let's follow it up and see what happens. Will this person get her diabetes gear back?
She got help with the paper work to be able to file for a replacement. She got a rude awakening when she found out that her health insurance company would not cover the loss. Apparently anytime a diabetes gear is lost or stolen, it is not covered by the health insurance company. She was told it was an uncovered benefit, whatever that means.
Did you think this is the worse of this story? Well, think again because one year after when the warranty was up, the health insurance company again refused to replace her lost CGM. This is despite the fact that this person who lost her CGM gear through no fault of hers, has a history of hypoglycemia unawareness and a frequent visitor to the emergency room.
It looked like the health insurance company will never ever replace that CGM. Can you imagine that? It is difficult enough to have to deal with using these diabetes tools, but do we also have to be concerned about losing it? To this day that diabetes gear has not been replaced so this is something we have to live with.
The trouble is there is no specific insurance policy to cover these expensive diabetes gears. Cell phones can be covered by a specific insurance policy but not diabetes devices. That goes to show how low the diabetics are in the totem pole of health concerns and this pisses me off to no end.
What do cell phones have that diabetes tools don't have? What do cell phones do to save lives that diabetes devices don't? Are the diabetics such nobodies that they can't even try to protect the diabetes tools that can help them go on living? What have we become - just so materialistic that we turn away from the needs of our neighbors? We are not asking people to be like Mother Teresa for crying out loud!
If we can protect the cell phones, why can't we protect the very diabetic device that could help us from getting to the point of being between life and death situation? That said, let us check out how the policies of the vendors can impact us. This may not be the latest but I just hope there has been some improvement.
Insulet, the maker of the OmniPod does not offer insurance but carries a warranty for four years. They say very few people lose it and if you do, call them right away to buy a replacement which you will receive within the twenty-four hour period. This means you can't get held up while wearing it.
Medtronic does not offer insurance for stolen or lost diabetes devices either but they said this could be explored with the homeowners insurance. They may offer extra rider insurance like they do for jewelry. As for the warranty, they focused on what is not covered like if it is submerged in water. That typhoon Haiyan or hurricane Katrina better not come around.
Animas has a limited four-year warranty against defects by the manufacturing company. If your pump breathes its last while covered, the company has the option of replacing it with a new one or a used unit they call re-certified. They will not cover any loss from accidents, misuse by the user or any other parties.
Tandem does not offer insurance for the loss or stolen t:slim but added that renters insurance or homeowners insurance policies offer riders that could insure the t:slim. Are they counting these diabetes tools the same way they regard the jewelry? Well, I suppose these gadgets are more important than jewelry anyway.
Asante hinted at being the first to consider offering insurance for it. I can't wait but I bet there will be a long list of exclusions. Dexcom and Roche have yet to say anything on the matter but anyway as a rule the makers of CGMs and insulin pumps are not going to be responsible beyond the warranty period they are offering. It does not matter that our survival depends on these devices.
Let us take a look at our Homeowners Policies, shall we? Farmers Insurance does not cover insulin pumps while Allstate does but we are urged to check out with our agents if we have enough personal property limit to cover this. Nationwide covers this and treats it like our other personal property. They will cover for theft and damage as a result of a peril mentioned in the policy but not for mysterious loss and breakage.
To make sure if you're covered, talk to the agent. Make sure it is a schedule, that is listed in the list of properties that are specifically insured. Otherwise you may need a rider to cover it just like what they have for any high-value item. If it is on schedule, that means it is covered as long as the items do not go over the coverage limits.
There you have it. You now know the extent of the warranty coverage for your insulin pumps and other continuous glucose monitoring devices. It’s only against manufacturing defects. Otherwise we are on our own. While the homeowners and renters policies may have some coverage on this, the onus is on us to talk to the agent for clarification.
By Roger Guzman, M.D. and Evelyn Guzman
This Diabetic Warrior's Guide On How To Fight Type 2 Diabetes & Win!. through PRIMAL Foods & Natural Remedies That Empower You To HEAL Type 2 Diabetes & Its Complications! His Doctor Confessed — "Modern Medicine Could Do Nothing More For Him!" so he put his treatment into his own hands and won. Here’s the link again. How To Fight Type 2 Diabetes & Win!.
Don't Miss These Related Articles to Read
Diabetes Treatment Has Come a Long Way Indeed, the diabetes treatment has come a long way from no treatment at all to life-saving insulin to continuous glucose monitoring system. And there are many more researches in different stages of development. So no one needs to be a diabetes time bomb. With all the information we have, alerts and so on, we cannot fail.
Using Insulin Pump to Manage Diabetes
She got help with the paper work to be able to file for a replacement. She got a rude awakening when she found out that her health insurance company would not cover the loss. Apparently anytime a diabetes gear is lost or stolen, it is not covered by the health insurance company. She was told it was an uncovered benefit, whatever that means.
Did you think this is the worse of this story? Well, think again because one year after when the warranty was up, the health insurance company again refused to replace her lost CGM. This is despite the fact that this person who lost her CGM gear through no fault of hers, has a history of hypoglycemia unawareness and a frequent visitor to the emergency room.
It looked like the health insurance company will never ever replace that CGM. Can you imagine that? It is difficult enough to have to deal with using these diabetes tools, but do we also have to be concerned about losing it? To this day that diabetes gear has not been replaced so this is something we have to live with.
The trouble is there is no specific insurance policy to cover these expensive diabetes gears. Cell phones can be covered by a specific insurance policy but not diabetes devices. That goes to show how low the diabetics are in the totem pole of health concerns and this pisses me off to no end.
What do cell phones have that diabetes tools don't have? What do cell phones do to save lives that diabetes devices don't? Are the diabetics such nobodies that they can't even try to protect the diabetes tools that can help them go on living? What have we become - just so materialistic that we turn away from the needs of our neighbors? We are not asking people to be like Mother Teresa for crying out loud!
If we can protect the cell phones, why can't we protect the very diabetic device that could help us from getting to the point of being between life and death situation? That said, let us check out how the policies of the vendors can impact us. This may not be the latest but I just hope there has been some improvement.
Insulet, the maker of the OmniPod does not offer insurance but carries a warranty for four years. They say very few people lose it and if you do, call them right away to buy a replacement which you will receive within the twenty-four hour period. This means you can't get held up while wearing it.
Medtronic does not offer insurance for stolen or lost diabetes devices either but they said this could be explored with the homeowners insurance. They may offer extra rider insurance like they do for jewelry. As for the warranty, they focused on what is not covered like if it is submerged in water. That typhoon Haiyan or hurricane Katrina better not come around.
Animas has a limited four-year warranty against defects by the manufacturing company. If your pump breathes its last while covered, the company has the option of replacing it with a new one or a used unit they call re-certified. They will not cover any loss from accidents, misuse by the user or any other parties.
Tandem does not offer insurance for the loss or stolen t:slim but added that renters insurance or homeowners insurance policies offer riders that could insure the t:slim. Are they counting these diabetes tools the same way they regard the jewelry? Well, I suppose these gadgets are more important than jewelry anyway.
Asante hinted at being the first to consider offering insurance for it. I can't wait but I bet there will be a long list of exclusions. Dexcom and Roche have yet to say anything on the matter but anyway as a rule the makers of CGMs and insulin pumps are not going to be responsible beyond the warranty period they are offering. It does not matter that our survival depends on these devices.
Let us take a look at our Homeowners Policies, shall we? Farmers Insurance does not cover insulin pumps while Allstate does but we are urged to check out with our agents if we have enough personal property limit to cover this. Nationwide covers this and treats it like our other personal property. They will cover for theft and damage as a result of a peril mentioned in the policy but not for mysterious loss and breakage.
To make sure if you're covered, talk to the agent. Make sure it is a schedule, that is listed in the list of properties that are specifically insured. Otherwise you may need a rider to cover it just like what they have for any high-value item. If it is on schedule, that means it is covered as long as the items do not go over the coverage limits.
There you have it. You now know the extent of the warranty coverage for your insulin pumps and other continuous glucose monitoring devices. It’s only against manufacturing defects. Otherwise we are on our own. While the homeowners and renters policies may have some coverage on this, the onus is on us to talk to the agent for clarification.
By Roger Guzman, M.D. and Evelyn Guzman
This Diabetic Warrior's Guide On How To Fight Type 2 Diabetes & Win!. through PRIMAL Foods & Natural Remedies That Empower You To HEAL Type 2 Diabetes & Its Complications! His Doctor Confessed — "Modern Medicine Could Do Nothing More For Him!" so he put his treatment into his own hands and won. Here’s the link again. How To Fight Type 2 Diabetes & Win!.

Don't Miss These Related Articles to Read
Diabetes Treatment Has Come a Long Way Indeed, the diabetes treatment has come a long way from no treatment at all to life-saving insulin to continuous glucose monitoring system. And there are many more researches in different stages of development. So no one needs to be a diabetes time bomb. With all the information we have, alerts and so on, we cannot fail.
Using Insulin Pump to Manage Diabetes
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
The Best Multivitamins for Diabetics
The diabetics cannot use the glucose for energy efficiently so the extra glucose stays in the blood. This could lead to high blood sugar making the diabetics vulnerable to develop complications. They don't give up however and they have tools in their arsenal to combat this challenge. What do they do?
Most of them eat healthy diets and try their best to lose weight. Some of them may need multivitamin supplementation though and this is why we are writing about this. Multivitamin supplementation may help a lot but we have to do it the right way. For one thing, talk to your doctor about this as he knows your over-all health condition.
What are the vitamins associated with diabetes?
Taking vitamin E may prevent damage to the kidney, eyes and heart as these are associated complications of diabetes. Joslin Diabetes Center says the extra 2000 mg of vitamin C may help with the problems the diabetics have when it comes to lower vitamin C levels. They say this may be due to the higher blood glucose levels that prevent the uptake of vitamin C.
The diabetics, especially the type 1s may have insufficient vitamin D so giving them a supplemental dose of vitamin D may make the use of glucose better and improve bone health in addition. It is also often recommended for the type 2 diabetics to take Chromium as this has been reported to lower the blood glucose level.
The diabetics have also been found to have lower lutein and lycopene levels so supplements on these may improve vision. In addition, these supplements will lower disease in the eyes. Then there are the supplements Omega-3 fatty acids that can help protect the diabetics against heart problems.
What is the best multivitamin?
Here are what a good multivitamin should contain. It should contain at least 50% to 150% of the daily value for each of the 15 kinds of mineral and vitamin:
Vitamin A
Vitamin B-complex (riboflavin, thiamine, niacine, B6 and B12
Vitamin C
Vitamin D
Vitamin E
Vitamin K
Calcium, chromium and copper
Folic Acid and iron
Lutein and lycopene
Magnesium and omega-3 fatty acids
What are the recommendations as to dosage for men and women?
Of course a lot will depend on conditions, sex and age.
For Men:
vitamin A 900 mcg
Vitamin B-complex (riboflavin 1.3 mg, thiamine 1.2 mg, niacine 16 mg, B6 1.3 to 1.7 mg and B12 400 mcg
Vitamin C 90 mg
Vitamin D 600 to 800 IU
Vitamin E 15 mg
Vitamin K 120 mcg
Calcium 800 to 1000 mg, chromium 35 mcg and copper 700 mcg
Folic Acid 400 IU and iron 6 mg
Lutein and lycopene
Magnesium 350 mg and omega-3 fatty acids
Selenium 45 mcg
For Women:
It is the same amount as for the men for B6, B12, vitamins D and E, copper, calcium, folic acid, and selenium except for the following:
Vitamin A 700 mcg
Riboflavin 1.1 mg and thiamine, niacin 14 mg
Vitamin C 75 mg.
Vitamin K 90 mcg
Chromium 25 mcg iron 8.1 mg of iron, zinc 6.8 mg
Magnesium 265 mg.
It should be remembered that that there are other factors to consider when taking supplements. Check with your doctor for sure because overdosing on supplements is a no, no. They can become toxic then and get in the way of your medications. Also this should not replace the balanced healthy diets that we should all eat.
By Evelyn Guzman
You May Want To Read the Following Related Articles
Diabetes Treatment
New Treatment for Diabetes
Treatment for Diabetes With Pills
The 30 Day Diabetes System that addresses the ROOT Problem instead of covering it with a band aid. It will address such issues as foods so you can eat the food you love without feeling guilty about it. The system will also effortlessly build a slim fit body without drastically changing your lifestyle habits.
For a small, one-time payment of just $27, you you’ll get the full 60 page manual dictating everything you need to know to reverse your pre or type 2 diabetes, and you’ll also get…
The 30 Day Diabetes Challenge
The Diabetes Cheat Sheet
Diabetes Friendly Smoothies
The Diabetics Guide To Exercising
The Diabetics Promise…
And, all additional audios and videos…
And when you click The 30 Day Diabetes System you'll see they're giving you this guarantee: If You Aren’t 100% Happy With The Results…You Don’t Pay A Dime! Get Rid Of Your Diabetes… Or I’ll Give You $100!
They are absolutely, thoroughly, unequivocably convinced that this will work for you. They know it will, because it has been proven dozens of times with thousands of people all over the world both personally and in clinical research studies.So we like to give you a DOUBLE guarantee.
Unconditional Guarantee #1: Give The 30 Day Diabetes System a test-drive today and see if it’s right for you. Give it a full test for 60 days and watch as your blood sugar levels begin to drop… until they become as normal and stable as someone without pre or type 2 diabetes. If that doesn’t happen for you, simply send us an email within 60 days of purchasing and you’ll get a fast, courteous, no-questions-asked, 100% refund.
Conditional Guarantee #2*: If you can prove that you followed advice by sending screenshots of your diet log for 30-60 days along with any receipts for the various vitamins and herbs we recommend, yet you are still having Diabetes issues, we will send you $100 for wasting your time. That’s how confident we are in this system! So go ahead and click The 30 Day Diabetes System.
Most of them eat healthy diets and try their best to lose weight. Some of them may need multivitamin supplementation though and this is why we are writing about this. Multivitamin supplementation may help a lot but we have to do it the right way. For one thing, talk to your doctor about this as he knows your over-all health condition.
What are the vitamins associated with diabetes?
Taking vitamin E may prevent damage to the kidney, eyes and heart as these are associated complications of diabetes. Joslin Diabetes Center says the extra 2000 mg of vitamin C may help with the problems the diabetics have when it comes to lower vitamin C levels. They say this may be due to the higher blood glucose levels that prevent the uptake of vitamin C.
The diabetics, especially the type 1s may have insufficient vitamin D so giving them a supplemental dose of vitamin D may make the use of glucose better and improve bone health in addition. It is also often recommended for the type 2 diabetics to take Chromium as this has been reported to lower the blood glucose level.
The diabetics have also been found to have lower lutein and lycopene levels so supplements on these may improve vision. In addition, these supplements will lower disease in the eyes. Then there are the supplements Omega-3 fatty acids that can help protect the diabetics against heart problems.
What is the best multivitamin?
Here are what a good multivitamin should contain. It should contain at least 50% to 150% of the daily value for each of the 15 kinds of mineral and vitamin:
Vitamin A
Vitamin B-complex (riboflavin, thiamine, niacine, B6 and B12
Vitamin C
Vitamin D
Vitamin E
Vitamin K
Calcium, chromium and copper
Folic Acid and iron
Lutein and lycopene
Magnesium and omega-3 fatty acids
What are the recommendations as to dosage for men and women?
Of course a lot will depend on conditions, sex and age.
For Men:
vitamin A 900 mcg
Vitamin B-complex (riboflavin 1.3 mg, thiamine 1.2 mg, niacine 16 mg, B6 1.3 to 1.7 mg and B12 400 mcg
Vitamin C 90 mg
Vitamin D 600 to 800 IU
Vitamin E 15 mg
Vitamin K 120 mcg
Calcium 800 to 1000 mg, chromium 35 mcg and copper 700 mcg
Folic Acid 400 IU and iron 6 mg
Lutein and lycopene
Magnesium 350 mg and omega-3 fatty acids
Selenium 45 mcg
For Women:
It is the same amount as for the men for B6, B12, vitamins D and E, copper, calcium, folic acid, and selenium except for the following:
Vitamin A 700 mcg
Riboflavin 1.1 mg and thiamine, niacin 14 mg
Vitamin C 75 mg.
Vitamin K 90 mcg
Chromium 25 mcg iron 8.1 mg of iron, zinc 6.8 mg
Magnesium 265 mg.
It should be remembered that that there are other factors to consider when taking supplements. Check with your doctor for sure because overdosing on supplements is a no, no. They can become toxic then and get in the way of your medications. Also this should not replace the balanced healthy diets that we should all eat.
By Evelyn Guzman
You May Want To Read the Following Related Articles
Diabetes Treatment
New Treatment for Diabetes
Treatment for Diabetes With Pills
The 30 Day Diabetes System that addresses the ROOT Problem instead of covering it with a band aid. It will address such issues as foods so you can eat the food you love without feeling guilty about it. The system will also effortlessly build a slim fit body without drastically changing your lifestyle habits.
For a small, one-time payment of just $27, you you’ll get the full 60 page manual dictating everything you need to know to reverse your pre or type 2 diabetes, and you’ll also get…
The 30 Day Diabetes Challenge
The Diabetes Cheat Sheet
Diabetes Friendly Smoothies
The Diabetics Guide To Exercising
The Diabetics Promise…
And, all additional audios and videos…
And when you click The 30 Day Diabetes System you'll see they're giving you this guarantee: If You Aren’t 100% Happy With The Results…You Don’t Pay A Dime! Get Rid Of Your Diabetes… Or I’ll Give You $100!
They are absolutely, thoroughly, unequivocably convinced that this will work for you. They know it will, because it has been proven dozens of times with thousands of people all over the world both personally and in clinical research studies.So we like to give you a DOUBLE guarantee.
Unconditional Guarantee #1: Give The 30 Day Diabetes System a test-drive today and see if it’s right for you. Give it a full test for 60 days and watch as your blood sugar levels begin to drop… until they become as normal and stable as someone without pre or type 2 diabetes. If that doesn’t happen for you, simply send us an email within 60 days of purchasing and you’ll get a fast, courteous, no-questions-asked, 100% refund.
Conditional Guarantee #2*: If you can prove that you followed advice by sending screenshots of your diet log for 30-60 days along with any receipts for the various vitamins and herbs we recommend, yet you are still having Diabetes issues, we will send you $100 for wasting your time. That’s how confident we are in this system! So go ahead and click The 30 Day Diabetes System.
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