Organic diet secrets of the stars? It's good to know what the stars do eat to get themselves healthy. Here are some of them but mostly though, they eat organic foods and they shun meats. Our parents have advocated the healthy style of eating greens so perhaps this is the way to go. Maybe it's more expensive though. Let's check them out:
Kate Bosworth, what does she do to keep her skin glowing? She said she tries hard to eat organic foods but it is clear that one cannot eat organic all the time. She therefore recommends that we just do our best. After all, eating organically some of the time is better than not at all. . Eating healthy is.
How about Marc Jacobs, the designer at Louis Vuitton? What did he do to prepare for his almost nude pictures in Harper's Bazaar? He said he switched to organic diet that has no sugar, caffeine, dairy and flour. He said he lost 20 pounds from that diet and the two-hour a day exercise, seven days a week at the gym.
Now let's go and see what Angelina Jolie's secret is in getting back her slim figure so quickly after delivering twins. She opted for a diet heavy in vegetables and Omega-3s. Her menu is like this: brown bread, organic salmon with tomatoes for breakfast, grilled fresh tuna or mackerel with spinach, tomatoes and watercress for lunch or supper.
Would you believe even the Rolling Stones try to eat organically? Bass player Wood's wife Jo introduced them to this when she went on the organic diet after suffering from perforated appendix. Herbalist Gerald Green explained to her how our immune system is destroyed by the chemicals in our food. So now the Stones drink organic vodka and wine.
Madonna is famous not only for her entertaining abilities but also for her organic and macrobiotic diet. She demands that her kids go on this diet when they stay with her ex-husband. She knows that when they're on this diet, their urine clears up carrying no more of those damaging toxins.
Ed Norton got ready to be the incredible hulk by being on an organic diet. During filming in Toronto for instance, he frequented an Organic Bar known as “raw food Shangri La”. He knows that food does not come in a box or a store, having been brought up by environmentalist parents.
Then there's Stella McCartney who has been a vegetarian all her life. Donna Karan is devoted to raw food and yoga and lost 20 pounds from going on a raw organic diet. Reese Witherspoon boyfriend, Jake Gyllenhaal, plans to open an organic restaurant. If he adds meat to the menu, it will be from animals that are hormone-free and fed with grass. There you have the stars' organic diet secrets.
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