November is Declared American Diabetes Month
November 1, 2008
To increase awareness to the millions of Americans who have diabetes or at risk for getting the disease, November has been declared American Diabetes Month. Diabetes is now considered an epidemic so each week in November, the American Diabetes Association will focus on one aspect of the disease. This is what the Vanderbilt Diabetes Center wants to do to spread the news about diabetes awareness, prevention and control.
November 1, 2008
"Dream Big" - Diabetes Family Day
An event for pediatric diabetes patients & their families and friends
November 5, 2008
Brown Bag Lecture
“Diabetes: Who gets it and Why?”
Mike Fowler, M.D.
11:30 am – 12:30 pm
Room 419A Light Hall
November 12, 2008
Brown Bag Lecture
"Diabetes: Basic Information for You & Your Family”
Alvin Powers, M.D.
11:30 am – 12:30 pm
Room C-2209 Medical Center North
November 14, 2008
World Diabetes Day
Wear BLUE with Vanderbilt Diabetes
Staff & Faculty to show your support!
November 17, 2008
Blood Sugar Screening with Health Plus
10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
North Lobby of Light Hall
November 19, 2008
Blood Sugar Screening with Health Plus
10:00 am – 2:00 pm
VU Law School, Ray Room #151
Last year the American Diabetes Association had all these activities:
November 1-3 was devoted to the caregivers. These are the main supporters of loved ones who suffer from diabetes and so are faced with so many challenges. Let's hope they will be given the support they need themselves.
The employees was the focus on November 4-10. Encouraging the adoption of healthy lifestyle in the workplace will be the key component of this week. This will not only prevent type 2 diabetes and the complications, but it will also help the companies improve their bottom line each year.
Considering the diabetes around the world was the topic for November 11-17. Over 246 million people are afflicted by diabetes and this number is expected to grow to 350 million by 2020. It is not too late to do something about it. Let us all help stop this trend. The power is in our hands to prevent diabetes.
November 18-24 dealt with the population that is at risk. The statistics now stands at one in two members of minority groups born after 2000 will develop diabetes if the present trend keeps going on. Let's accept the challenge and stop this trend by encouraging others to adopt a healthy lifestyle.
The ones who need the most vital care are the youth and Type 1 diabetes. ADA made the resources available for these youth and their families. I didn't see this released. Had I found it, you would have been the first to know. I know they worked hard assembling all the materials and networking facilities for this group.
ADA supports the United Nations' resolution on diabetes which invites everybody to fight this epidemic by making people aware of this. Let's do our share and accept this invitation. Let us let people know of this epidemic by making themselves aware of things they can do now to prevent diabetes and its complications.
Let us spread the word far and wide and reach as many people as we can not only on the United Nations' World Diabetes Day on November 14. In other words, let's make every day a Diabetes Day by contributing in our small way to spread the word to all we know. Our small ways put together equals one giant step to beat diabetes.
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