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Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Want to Know How Marie was Doing on her Weight Loss Program?

Marie's weight loss goal was 16.8 pounds based on 7% which, if successful, would bring down her weight to 223.2 pounds. Her goal for fat gram was to limit the intake to 50 grams of fat each day. She did not like recording everything she ate but followed through.

Here is an example of her entry. At 9 am, she had a muffin (34 calories, 1 fat gram), 1 tablespoon of sugar-free jam (48 calories), 8 ounces of coffee with 2 ounces of whole milk (40 calories, 2 fat grams). in the office as she was late waking up.

She recorded in the same manner her food and fat gram intake for lunch, supper and snacks. At the end of the day, the total showed that she consumed 1338 calories and 43 grams of fat. Not bad, eh? For her physical activity, she walked for 30 minutes.

One day she was surprised to find that she exceeded her fat gram goal intake. She found it was so easy to consume 100 grams per day. For instance, the two slices of 12-inch pizza she had at 7 pm had 534 calories and 24 fat grams. She decided right there and then to lower her fat gram intake. How did she do this?

She packed her lunch from home to eat at the office three times a week and just ate lunch at the office cafeteria two times a week. Because she likes turkey and tuna she had these for sandwiches or salads with cottage cheese. She had frozen dinners that were of low calorie variety three to four days a week. She was able to control the portion this way.

Due to the aforementioned changes, Marie was able to limit her fat gram intake. Some days, she could even afford to have a small dessert. Dessert was important to her because otherwise she would not feel satisfied without it.

She lost one pound a week and she was happy to record this on her weight graph. When she checked in at six months, she showed she was on track to lose her 7% weight loss goal. Sadly, she had a hard time with her exercise goal.

She therefore attended supervised activity sessions of forty-five minutes, twice a week and this enabled Marie to achieve seventy-five minutes of activity during the sixth week but went down on the seventh and eight weeks by achieving only fifteen minutes of physical activity.

She tried to persevere so let's follow her progress to see how she did with this Treatment with Exercise.
I will report to you next week to let you know if she had more lapses and what eventually happened to Marie. How about you? Are you doing your sessions again with a buddy? Good for you!

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